I Was Like Romeo And Juliet To Her… août 1, 2022 admin CBD News 12 So in this video I get george to tell you the story of him and a year 7. Such a cute couple. Check on YouTube Drewsif
CBD News THC Tester Update! juin 29, 2022 admin CBD News 45 Last week I made a video about the Purpl Pro THC tester that I got, and about how I had some issues… I have a lot more info and … Check on YouTube
did he just say he wants to be creem pied
Negative Feedback!
your right you tube is dead
i wish i could meet you ugh… but we live so far away 🙁
I have OCD's O.o
This is my formal apology, Sorry… a lot of thought put into that drew…
Drew and George <3 mmm.
Oh ew its george;o
Why is he apologising again? 😛
This is my formal appology, sorry.
I think thay year seven girl, wanted you in her pants, (or He wanted you In His pants)
My! What a stunning young chap.