Ice Cream Cake by Gastown – Strain Review 🎂 juillet 26, 2022 admin CBD News 20 18+ CANADIAN CANNABIS For my 220th Canadian Cannabis review, we have a strain called Ice Cream Cake by Gastown Fire. Check on YouTube CanadianCannabis
CBD News Canadian Cannabis Strain Review – Girl Scout Cookies by PinkJoint août 4, 2022 admin CBD News 0 18+ LEGAL CANADIAN CANNABIS For my 107th Canadian Cannabis review, we have a strain called Girl Scout Cookies given to … Check on YouTube
CBD News Canadian Cannabis Strain Review – Pink Gum août 3, 2022 admin CBD News 10 18+ LEGAL CANADIAN CANNABIS For my 134th Canadian Cannabis review, we have a … Check on YouTube
CBD News Canadian Cannabis Strain Review – Ayahuasca Purple août 29, 2022 admin CBD News 0 18+ LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT For my 30th Canadian Cannabis review, we have a strain called Ayahuasca Purple. Check on YouTube
Gr8 video…I was jus wondering…wen I roll my joint and smoke it…its fine until the last half..then sometimes some of the weed is inhaled in and I have to swallow it.Tastes nasty..any idea how I can stop it Répondre
Im smoking super lemon haze in the uk right now, is super impressive on every level. You ever tried it bro? Répondre
Please review the ugly and bad taste one, also please review your local dealers cheap one and expensive one, thanks Répondre
One of my favorites for sure
Groovy strain cannabis brother 1 of my favorite strains. Out of site show.
I got this last week I’m out in London I wish I could show you what your insta bro
Got some of the FSE of this flower ran by Kind Selections right now.
Just picked up some ice cream cake. 🔥
Great intro 😁
Gr8 video…I was jus wondering…wen I roll my joint and smoke it…its fine until the last half..then sometimes some of the weed is inhaled in and I have to swallow it.
Tastes nasty..any idea how I can stop it
Just got some today and I’m loving it! Amazing strain!
Dope review as always.
Always love the intro lol
Im smoking super lemon haze in the uk right now, is super impressive on every level. You ever tried it bro?
that better shiva . LOL
I love watching your video's while high.
Please review the ugly and bad taste one, also please review your local dealers cheap one and expensive one, thanks
I hope those crumbs went into the next doobie. That resin looks yummy.
Amazing flower and video my dude
How about old books,or musty basement for dank smells
Epic resin ring epic lovely white white smoke that is some top shelf top shelf nuggetry
This joint is nice and your videos too!
I can only imagine the ice cream 🎂 is off the chain. 🍻 ✌&💘
What would you consider the sweetest or best tasting flower you’ve ever smoked??