24 Commentaires

  1. Iced & Baked Autoflower Tester from Mephisto Genetics is a new strain going through the testing phases! This is our first seed to harvest from our new grow room! This tester strain was a little finicky over the grow but we managed to finish her out! We cover the entire grow from seed to harvest with dry weight and potency testing with @tcheck.official

    We added @pulsegrow Pulse Pro to help dial our lights in with PPFD/Par measurements, CO2 ppm, VPD and more! Monitor all the stats in real time via wi-fi on their convenient app or web! Check out some actual data from this run here! https://app.pulsegrow.com/chart-sharing/ad8fbO

    Join the Highigan FAM for Exclusive Content, Photos, Discord Access, Early Access To New Videos And So Much More! This helps support our channel and helps us bring more content since YouTube restricts our videos and blocks us from supporting this channel🙏💚🌱: https://www.patreon.com/highigan

    *Highigan Links, Twitch, Discord, Merch, Discount Links & More!*


    Gear used for this grow 👇

    AC Infinity – Use Code "Highigan" save 10% https://www.acinfinity.com/?ref=highigan

    AC Amazon "Highigan" save 10% :https://amzn.to/3GUKBJI

    AC Amazon Canada "HighiganCA" save 10%

    Pulse 📈 Environmental Monitor! Save 10-25$ on PulseOne or PulsePRO and 5% off NEW Pulse HUB or HUB KIT with code "Highigan" https://bit.ly/3Zh4y7i
    Track PPFD, CO2, DLI, VPD, TEMP, RH and more!

    tCheck Test Flower Potency at Home! Use Code "Highigan" save 25$ : https://tcheck.me/?sld=11

  2. I can attest that smaller plants usually be better bud. Chopped a Critical Orange Punch a little over a month and a 1/2 ago, and didn’t get but a little over an onion off her. But boyyy, that Onion was better than Fire. It lasted a whole month. I was only smoking a G a day of it. Fi-re! Was the best quality I’ve grown yet. Hope y’all have been enjoying your new place and all too. Y’all deserve it. 🙂

  3. Growing that fastbuds green crack outdoors was the best weed I ever grew! Saying that before I finished this video. She wasn't big. Straight up like 18 inch tall, but like 2 Oz of the best shit I ever smoked in a joint. I grew her sister indoors at the same time. Indoors was good, but that outdoor was on a whole other level of smoke.

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