30 Commentaires

  1. Would you post your treatment for hemangiosarcoma ( spleen), please.
    Over the years, I've lost 2 of my own dogs and one of my mom's to this. Either early vaccines or RoundUp is my guess as my dogs were definitely not over vaccinated.

  2. unrelated comment in regards to your June 4, 2019 video about not feeding “veterinarian diet” to your cat. I’m so upset right now because I have my beautiful 6 year old male cat at the vet (since yesterday) with a blocked bladder. Vet called to tell me “Coopers bladder was so full and he could not pee. We will need to sedate him, put in a catheter and keep him overnight” (Let me first say I love my vet and trust her completely). She also proceeded to say “Cooper will need to be on a special diet for the rest of his life”. (she kinda sounded accusatory- like this is my fault). My two cats are strictly indoor cats. I have been feeding Cooper almost exclusively dry food, specifically Blue Wilderness chicken Adult Weight control in the peach/orange colored bag for a few years because he is hefty. I was told to give him 1/4 cup twice a day. Previously I had left a bowl of food out and let him graze. I was use to this because years back I had three cats with varying eating habits and weights ranging from 5 to 15 lbs. Anyways, with Cooper, it was apparent I had to monitor his food intake – and he seems very happy and satisfied with his kibble. My two year old cat, however, is obsessed with wet food and I give her Sheba cuts in a variety of flavors (small individual serving packs) and will add a little kibble to it. I’m devastated to think that I have put my cat in this critical health emergency 😢 I partly blame the fact that my cats are strictly indoor where they don’t have the benefit of a true diet from nature as well as the physical exercise that roaming free provides. I had a cat (1995-2015) who was barely 6 lbs but she spent her first 12 years of life as an indoor/outdoor cat. We fed her Purina Cat Chow (blue bag) most of her life (until the end when vet changed other cats diet). I truly believe that the indoor cat, while avoiding some outdoor dangers, suffers a great deal more by being deprived of a life it is designed to live in the wild.

  3. Doctor my kitten is paralysed 4 legs and barely opening eyes , born in 20th may .. he ate fish bone yesterday, is it because fish bone struck in his throat or any other reason. ,, He sometimes making hard breathing also ..

    Plz reply….

  4. I have been trying diatomaceous earth as flea preventative. Totally useless. Some of these naturopathic myths need to be debunked!! He was thoroughly dusted. You could see powder spread throughout his fur on his whole body. After a three day period I examined him and fleas were crawling in powdered fur and skin with no effect whatsoever. When he was initially dusted he was flea free after I had given his two applications of Frontline and also capstar. Wanted

  5. when my dog had bladder cancer ( stage 3 at diagnosis ) his urethra was almost blocked he was given 3 months , I immediately did a no carb raw /cooked diet , my dog lived for 2 years the tumour in the bladder shrunk considerably . I will now only ever feed a natural fresh food diet , dogs were not meant to eat grain ever .

  6. My 5 year old Labradoodle (60 pounds) has Lymphoma, diagnosed at the end of January 2023. He is either Stage 3 or Stage 5 — no bone marrow biopsy was performed.
    We immediately got him to a Vet Oncologist and he has been on the CHOP chemo protocol since then. He has 1 chemo treatment left and has tolerated the chemo very well. He has lots of energy, good appetite, and blood numbers so far. We will have a better assessment at the last treatment in 2 weeks. At that point, we don't know what will be coming up.
    I will take notes on these alt treatments and discuss it with the vet. We will NOT put our dog through another round of chemo (even if it might be suggested). Not sure if these suggest alt treatments will help after full chemo therapy but I hope the vet is receptive. We would like a longer life for our wonderful Doodle, but quality of life is also important.

  7. Some really good information and I personally know someone who used high quality full extract cannabis oil high in THC to cure cancer that his 9 year old golden retriever had that his veterinarian said the golden retriever would die within 3 to 5 months. Well it's going on 2 years now and the dog is still Cancer Free and doing good..

  8. I do use holistic approach on my dog ,who was diagnosed with breast cancer. I use panacur, dandelion,turkey tail mushroom and some few Ingredients. I do share my story with anyone who have dog diagnosed with cancer. I m surprised that nobody chose to try it. People either euthinize the dog as soon diagnosis received or ,if surgery was done,do nothing after it.

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