Hezbollah is a Lebanese terrorist organisation and the political party responsible for deadly attacks all over the world. This is the … Check on YouTube
29 Commentaires
Can I use on of your video reupload with my music on youtube??? @vice
Full of lies! Shame on u to cooperate with IRI to hide the essential reasons. Next time focus on the collaboration of IRGC, Hezbollah, & Taliban on drug contraband!
I have a great desire of consuming drugs by studying and learning about it, how early civilizations achieved greatness by using drugs psychedelics but i realised how disastrous it would be, just by realising my strugles with my prn addition n faping
As someone who’s been clean of opioid addiction for 15 years, it’s disturbing to know how it’s handled in the Mideast. It would be hell on earth for those unfortunate to fall in addiction.
3,20 what you see that they burning is the 1 procent of what they catch from the criminals! The price of every products in Iran getting higher than last month and inflation every 6 months is about 270% but the only things getting cheaper is drugs
👊👊👊 So called Islamic regime of Iran using to distribute drugs inside his borders to CONTROLE the society, which with using the brutal force against the population, people have no opportunity to build their life normally and with allot of inflation and corruption in the regime itself and leaking freedom, actually there is no hope for most young generation therefore because of no opportunities and cheap drugs, the using drugs grow so rapidly. And the other side of the drugs policy is, the some of the members of the Ghoods army IRG, with the greenlight of the top of regime, they are allowed to distribute drugs like Heroine and Opium from Afghanistan to the middel east and beyond! From the top of the regime they gave greenlight to this army members to use the profit of the drug's, to finance their missions through out the world! That was also the reason that the group of Hizbullah in Lebanon which belongs to the Ayatollah's of Iran using the Mediterranean sea to export the drugs to Europe and beyond!
Wow, you see how a corrupt system can lead to a sick society that has %2.8 of its population struggles with opioids. Hope the revolution in Iran finds its way to victory ✌🏻
In Iran, supreme leader and his follower and all the branches use drug issuie crimes as cover to kill polotical activist and protesters. While there forces use drug to kill people don't believe islamic republic. You think it is out of good heart that such content is releasing today while all iranian aroung world, specially US try to shut down negotiations with the regime. Secretary Blinken is using media for his good and not even america's good. Be our voice from inside of Iran.
IRGC is the biggest smuggler in iran, those punishments are only for poor people that had no other choice to make a living because of the discrimination, they use drug as an excuse to genocide the Baloch minority which are sunnies!
Can I use on of your video reupload with my music on youtube??? @vice
Full of lies! Shame on u to cooperate with IRI to hide the essential reasons. Next time focus on the collaboration of IRGC, Hezbollah, & Taliban on drug contraband!
This represents 90% of all opium seized that year is a meaningless statistic.
I have a great desire of consuming drugs by studying and learning about it, how early civilizations achieved greatness by using drugs psychedelics but i realised how disastrous it would be, just by realising my strugles with my prn addition n faping
As someone who’s been clean of opioid addiction for 15 years, it’s disturbing to know how it’s handled in the Mideast. It would be hell on earth for those unfortunate to fall in addiction.
The United States drowned the world in drugs
India is geeting most of its H from iran ports.. Afghanistan to iran, iran to India.. It's been like clockwork from many years
Khomenei is a drug addict
Iran may have issue but we proud Iran made Shahed and long live to Iran.
Such a depressing place to live, not surprised it’s full of addicts
"Radio Free Europe" as a source…
Wait what? 4m is NOT 2.8% of Iran but more like 5%!
3,20 what you see that they burning is the 1 procent of what they catch from the criminals! The price of every products in Iran getting higher than last month and inflation every 6 months is about 270% but the only things getting cheaper is drugs
At least they don’t have fentanyl
Sweet olde heroin heroes. Chasing the 🐲
Iran used to give death sentence for being caught with Tramadol. And tramadol was at one time the most abused drug in Iran.
where's the 'inside' bit…?
👊👊👊 So called Islamic regime of Iran using to distribute drugs inside his borders to CONTROLE the society, which with using the brutal force against the population, people have no opportunity to build their life normally and with allot of inflation and corruption in the regime itself and leaking freedom, actually there is no hope for most young generation therefore because of no opportunities and cheap drugs, the using drugs grow so rapidly. And the other side of the drugs policy is, the some of the members of the Ghoods army IRG, with the greenlight of the top of regime, they are allowed to distribute drugs like Heroine and Opium from Afghanistan to the middel east and beyond! From the top of the regime they gave greenlight to this army members to use the profit of the drug's, to finance their missions through out the world! That was also the reason that the group of Hizbullah in Lebanon which belongs to the Ayatollah's of Iran using the Mediterranean sea to export the drugs to Europe and beyond!
Wow, you see how a corrupt system can lead to a sick society that has %2.8 of its population struggles with opioids.
Hope the revolution in Iran finds its way to victory ✌🏻
Excuse me, but what happened to the haircut??
I'm pretty sure the USA is still consuming 10x more drugs than Iran.
In Iran, supreme leader and his follower and all the branches use drug issuie crimes as cover to kill polotical activist and protesters.
While there forces use drug to kill people don't believe islamic republic. You think it is out of good heart that such content is releasing today while all iranian aroung world, specially US try to shut down negotiations with the regime.
Secretary Blinken is using media for his good and not even america's good. Be our voice from inside of Iran.
This is backwards, Opium and Alcohol are obviously haram. It is the lighter things like khat and MJ which are not good, but are not evil.
IRGC is the biggest smuggler in iran, those punishments are only for poor people that had no other choice to make a living because of the discrimination, they use drug as an excuse to genocide the Baloch minority which are sunnies!