48 Commentaires

  1. Meeting #DrKanayo Peterson on YouTube is like meeting god himself because what you dud in my life is what no doctor can’t do.

    Thank you for curing my hiv totally 🙏 please always

    remember to keep yourself safe from our bad government doc

  2. this shoud be thought in hs with the rapid increase of teenage pregnancy. I remember this was a subj in college but some prof. won't teach this and just talk about their lives thinking the subj itself is a taboo.

  3. I’m not buying the whole “I don’t really know too much about hiv” deal. There’s soooo much information out there on the internet, books ect ect….. so unless they don’t know how to read there’s very little reason for not being educated about it.

  4. Being a gay man myself… I can only imagine the pain associated with getting HIV. The stigma is horrible. It is so upsetting and my heart goes out to the people all around the world with HIV. Being gay, expressing yourself with another man, being with them and sharing feelings and each other… having that result in what could be a death sentence… that is so terrible. And only gay people can really understand this along with the stigma that has been placed upon us… because it is not merely in what you do but in the very core of your being in what you do with love for another person. It isn't the death sentence it used to be, thankfully. I hope eventually there will be a cure.

  5. Great work by the doctor. Irritating to see people who can readily research the risks online act as though they are unaware. It’s easy to say because you weren’t formally taught by the state you don’t know.

  6. They just like to rub rub right can’t blame them .
    Meanwhile there’s people who are unable to have kids whereas these 🤬 rub everywhere around the corner , in the bushes everywhere

  7. I totally enjoyed watching the documentary and admire all the work the doctor is during in the Philippians may the Universe continue sending all the positive energy and help he needs to combat this disease is my sincere prayer 🙏🏾 !!!


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  9. “a person living with HIV” “a person affected by HIV” “it’s not who you are that puts you at risk, it’s what you do” i LOVE the language used in this doc

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