26 Commentaires

  1. This was AMAZINGLY, well thought out & entailed ALL of the "why's", what's traditionally used, etc.

    Those, 'people' with their:
    "moaning, groaning, b!thing & complaining.." on OTHER people's videos with the:
    "Great video, short, quick & to the point."

    (Whelp, and #ThatIsWhyIn2022:
    "YOU will, inevitably- HAVE TO", back track LATER ON- "#LaterInLife2022", with the "#FakeSimulatedReality2022".
    There IS- "#ABrickWallAhead2022". #LessonsLearnedTheHardWayIn2022..)

    #RegardlessWhoLikesIt & #RegardlessOfAge, beCAUSE- [#Cause2022, #Effect2022, #Cycles2022 & #Patterns2022]
    [#Humanity2022, MIGHT "WANT TO"/"FEEL LIKE it", to #StopPlayingNaive2022]

    #WiseAdvice2022, WOULD be-
    #ToLearnTheLessonBefore2022 / #ToLearnTheLessonsFromOthers2022, from those who- #HaveAlreadyMadeThoseMistakes2022, #HaveHadToLearnTheHardWay2022, AFTER "#BeingWarned2022"..

    ..and the "intellectually bright" thing to do-
    WOULD be to, "#LearnTheLessonsTheHardWay2022",
    1] #YouLoseYourOwnRapport2022
    2] BEFORE "YOU- 'HAVE TO', #LearnTheHardWay2022, #RegardlessOfWhatYouLike2022/#RegardlessOfWhatYouDontLike2022.

    ..beCAUSE of the "#TikTok9SecondAttentionSpanMindset2022".
    Go do some, "#DueDiligenceIn2022" & don't "use google", for "RE-re-search", for ANY. THING. PERIOD.
    (UNLESS.. #YoureFollowingTheMoney2022, even then- it's quite questionable as they, "like to/feel like", "#MisLeadingThePeople2022", "#MisInformingThePeople2022", etc.)

    The FACT, that the:
    [which, has been changed TO- today]
    The #InternationalAssociationForRegressionAndResearchTherapies
    ..EXISTS, "#ProvesForThe3DIn2022" & "#ShowsTheStillStuckIn3DIn2022", "scientifically"-
    ..that, 'they' #GovernmentKnowsThisIn2022, #PharmasCarouselKnowsThisIn2022, #MilitaryKnowsThisIn2022, etc etc.
    ..the "joke", IS- already on ALL, "of the above".. IF & ONLY "IF":
    ..and "get over", the NO. "GOD". IN. THE. SKY. #ObsoleteIdeologyIn2022!
    [P.S: #HowToKeepTheMassesVibrationallySuppressed2022!]

    #LifeHasNoEasyButton2022 #NoEasyButtonInLifeGetOverIt2022 #GetUsedToNoEasyButton2022

  2. I always love the 4 toppings on Thai food…..I went from Thailand to Siem Reap, Cambodia and they couldn't believe how many red pepper flakes I put on a dish….thanks for the video

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