20 Commentaires

  1. Sooooo if I got a blue collar job and get random drug tested this is a good product to buy? I got tested hot for THC smoking full spectrum CBD (my dispensary told me it didn’t have THC… lol LIE) and have been terrified to buy any CBD after that. But I really enjoyed the benefits from it.

  2. hi can you help me I am in the UK , and i have tried all types of CBD i prefer full-spectrum, i just haven't found proper CBD oil or vape for the pain i have diabetes neuropathy, anxiety back pain, and other problems? so am looking cbd what works I am fed up of wasting CAN YOU HELP ME PLZ,/ CBD EXAMINE PLZ

  3. Hi! I am binge watching your vids! Could you test Enecta's 10% and 24% cbd oil? They sell it everywhere in Europe, they make it in Italy and they seem to have amazing reviews all over the web. Also, I would appreciate it if you could also test the Dutch Natural Healing cbd oil 8%, made in Holland. Also has nice reviews!

  4. Charlotte's Web gives you more bang for you buck. Me and my girlfriend tried their sleep gummies and they worked like a charm. Keep up the great work man, I tell people about your channel all the time. Since being in Texas for the past 3 years coming from the legal THC state of Maine, this CBD channel has helped us so much, to get the medicine we need but minus the bullshit.

  5. I know this isn’t the best video to ask for advice on, but I recently subscribed to you after I started taking CBD oil and I’ve begun breaking out in itchy, red spots. Is this a possible side effect of the cbd oil? I’m taking Bluebird Classic. This began two days after starting the cbd oil.

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