22 Commentaires

  1. Vice was once a friend to the people, admired by the people the we're not leaving till we get the truth people!!! Then they got bought out by some alleged woke narrative pushing sycophants spreading their fake news and propaganda and now they're allegedly on the verge of filing for bankruptcy!!! You know how the saying goes GO WOKE GO BROKE!!!!! I can't wait for someone to purchase them out of bankruptcy for pennies on the dollar and bring vice back to its unbiased truthful journalism glory!!

  2. All they wanna do is get messed up 24/7 and when ur not contributing to their party culture or “lending them a hand” or a couch to sleep on, u turn into an enemy to them real fast. Real disgusting people 🤢🤢

  3. I lived in Oregon where it’s basically hippie world, never met so many people be such low lives. They’ll steal from u, use u, manipulate u, and spit u out when u have nothing left to give. The most trashy people I’ve ever met. Borderline child abuse what they put their kids thru too

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