14 Commentaires

  1. I cannot get my cat to any wet/canned cat food, all she will eat is dry kibble, she won't even eat cooked chicken (which I found quite odd) we even got the frozen raw specialty food at our upscale pet store & she would not eat that either. I have had many many rescue kitties in my life & never have I ever had this issue with any of them. Do you have any solutions or recommendations for me to try? We currently feed her Royal Canin Urinary SO Vet RX (dry) she's not enticed by any cat treats either! We have tried everything we know to try. She does love the fish oil sprinkled on her kibble though! (seen that in one of your other videos)~ Thank You for that!

  2. Thank you doc.
    I just finished preparing dinner for my two girls.
    1 lb large ground beef straight from the butcher shop
    1 whole frozen wild caught salmon filet
    1 sweet potato
    Water to cover
    When boiled drain the meats and add 2 tsp of potato starch just to thicken up their remaining meat broth into a gravy
    Put into their bowls top with diced cucumber and everyone happy.
    Remaining food to be stored in the fridge, ready for few days with different topping every meal.
    I did try dry food and my husband claims their poop stinks. But never with home made foods. Try it. It is very easy. Switch out the meats, lamb, chicken (my girls favorite) go with chicken or beef liver too. Organic corn, frozen from Costco is awesome just to add some fibers. Just don't overdo because of the carbs in them. And wheatgrass.

  3. I agree with you on one thing. Kibble should be less fed than canned/wet food but did you really talk about how meat should be the first or second ingredient and not just animal protein from unnamed sources and then ACTUALLY let Snowball eat the same wet food that you just talked about had questionable ingredients? What the hell man?

  4. Why are you using dry food as an example for reading labels on pet food, when dry food is such a terrible thing to feed cats (and dogs)? You should have used canned food as an example for this video, and explained why dry food is so terrible.; why dry food is making cats and dogs sick and shortening their lives and costing pet owners huge expenses in vet visits.

  5. My Mom and I got two rescue cats that were dropped off the night before at the shelter in March 2016, at the time the time the were 3 (f) and 2 (m). We had them fixed and brought home right away when they could eat normally after the surgeries we started them on a mostly wet food diet. We tried flake, chunk and Pate and they would not eat much alest 2/3 would go dry and hard. We even tried human grade tuna in water or even raw frozen shimp that we cooked and they just wouldn't eat any of it. So we got a good quality dry kat food that they really enjoy and since then they are happy. We still try fresh minimal seasoned meat and fish and they may eat a pea size amount but ignore any more. I'm very worried that they are not getting good nutrition but thy just won't eat anything else. Even the first few months we had a mouse problem and only the female kat would eat part of the mice she caught. Maybe their previous owner raised them on dry only and that could be why they won't eat.

    I just want to know if I should be worried or try and change something. I don't have money to take them to the vet to get full work up since they are healthy in all other ways. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  6. its a good thought and I am certain that it can be a good thing , to feed raw. But NON of our cats will eat that raw, we have tried a few companies selling organic raw cat/dog food. Also too expensive. That's why I boil, debone, take fat and skin off and shred to feed my pets. one outdoor/feral eats raw chicken live, but also no other raw foods. Unless they go hunting, but we find partially eaten birds in area.

  7. Hi Doc, I had to stop feding my cats can cat food because no matter which brand I fed one of them, she immediately vomits. She does not , when eating dry foods, and/or she will keep down human' tuna in water' in very small doses., I probably tried all types on can cat food and discovered that some of the brands are even refused by the ferals, we participated in a TNR program. So my opinion about can cat food is not good. One day I just left a bowl with IAMs can cat food outdoors over nite for the ferals to eat when they like, but found it untouched in the morning. … and there were no ants, flies or any other bug on it. That told me that the food was not fit for them. Most likely too many chemicals. For my little indoor cat I even attempted to boil chicken for her, but she don't care for that. We have two aging dogs that love that chicken, deboned and shredded, no skin, mixed with dry dog food. The feral cats are liking the fresh broth and also are being treated with 1/2 mashed boiled egg and a few drops of veg oil. Daily. we have 4 indoor cats and there are 3 ferals left of the colony of 8, they slowly disapper and we are hoping that someone in the area adopted the missing ones. Just thought to let you know that I always find you posts interesting and informative. Greetings

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