36 Commentaires

  1. My cat is suffering with worst allergies and it sucks that none of the vets have any solutions besides steroids which is making him gain weight 🙁 . Thank you so much for sharing this video! Will try these remedies – hopefully his itchy scalp feels better after this .

  2. My cat is losing most of his hair right now like on his back from almost neck down but I noticed it’s also coming off at the side as well and I took a razor to it for what I could before he wouldn’t let me anymore and I mean I seen some tags I didn’t really see anything moving but I did see some little red dots but they weren’t like everywhere they were just I mean they weren’t like clusters row or anything they were just like apart every so often does he have allergies you think or does it sound like mange and terrified of mange as I do not wanna go again and we have tons of cats because we rescue them and we’ve only had an episode here of scabies once and it was so long ago I don’t really remember what it looks like it. He is itching and licking himself though and he’s long-haired so it’s even worse

  3. Really pleased I found your page. My cat who is a rescue is itching although the best way for me to describe it is it’s a few patches over her body. She has no fur missing, her coat is beautiful & shiny. All up to date with all her flea and worm treatments. She has been to the vets and they are wanting to do bloods, skin scrape on her to see if she has a fungal or bacterial infection which I find hard to believe as her coat is beautiful and no fur missing, surely that would be the case . They said if it all came back clear they would put it down to allergies. My little girl was found abandoned as a kitten and dumped in oil. Could her being dumped in oil be the cause of her problems? Every time I bring this up with my vet she dismisses it and just wants me to go ahead with the skin scrape? Thank you

  4. Murray was not having it😂😂😂🤣😭 he was gr8! I had fun watching his facial expressions but most importantly, I learned some gr8 info on how I can treat my fur baby! Thanks a bunch ❣

  5. My cat licks uncontrollably when you touch anywhere from the base of her tail to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Mostly people posting about this think it's cute or funny but it really does seem like a cat is in some kind of distress when they're going through this. Is this an allergic reaction? I'm not sure how to approach treating this

  6. My baby is currently suffering a skin allergy and I have no idea if it’s dust, the litter sand, the food, one of my skin products. I took her to the vet and she’s being treated. But I haven’t seen any changes. She keeps scratching and goshh I just want her to be okay.

    Update: my baby is allergic to dust 🙁 and the treatment to help her costs around 1200 dollars 😞 which I cannot currently pay at the moment.

  7. Can you do some videos using a cat that won't just lay there? ie – you live by yourself and your 12lb cat loves to run away and hide when you try to give him supplements, apply topicals, etc. Murray is too calm 😅

  8. Hello I tried the coconut oil and fish oil but Joshua didnt get better. I took him to the vet and he gave him antiobiotics. He was better.. now he is loosing hair.. Im still giving him fish oil.. HELP??

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