30 Commentaires

  1. bruh, where tf are u from? u seem cool af my guy. i bet u get all the bishes im hanging with u boss lol fkn wit ur page tho subbed and all that 💯
    edit: didn't know you were gay my bad about the gettin bishes line. BUUUT you still my guy and seem cool af nothings changed! keep up the good wrk dude!

  2. Prefer glass or paper. Blunts will mask the good terpenes to shit. I smoked Every day before high school. I failed, but aced multiple 1st period classes, no shit. 20 plus years and I still remember German and geometry to this day lol.

  3. You rolled your joint too fat I think. I compact my joints more densly with a push rod and usual roll them about cigarette size doing that in combination with good joint weed produces a near blunt like burn.

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