29 Commentaires

  1. Kandypens did 'kick one down to me,' also from "Crop Kings Seeds" (a 'gift', they do that, really) but it won't burn my iso-hash no more and I just get red flashing 'K' no blue, green, 5 count, 3 count, nada.

  2. Hey Josh, I've been watching your video for a while. In all honesty, if you had to choose between gigawax and this Kandypens, what would it be?
    I heard from waxpen reddit and forums that those pens are just a rebrand of technology that was already invented and that it's not completely "safe", and the quality is also terrible. I am not sure if it's true, so I was wondering if you could, please do a review of the new omicron v4? Apparently it's "original" and it's safe and it's the best out there along with hercules according to waxpen reddit and different forums. You can get them in puffitup. Anyways, cheers Josh! It was nice watching ya again 🙂

  3. I love all these pen reviews. I'm actually in the market to buying one of these but I'm not sure which is the best out of all of them. Im not willing to spend more than $100 as I live in a non-legal state. I have the Seego type b dual coils and that shit sucks! Anyone recommend one that does not clog and that I can smoke good out of it.

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