3 Commentaires

  1. I have a slope to the back garden. The advantages of Hügel beds are many:
    1) to slow the drainage water down/spread it out before the water can leave the property
    2) the mound has greater surface to grow on
    3) make use of the different micro-climates in the bed… e.g. dry on top, more moist lower down, different locations in the bed offer differing amounts of light
    4)get rid of brush and unwanted organic material(bury it deep)
    5) we had a garter snake move in one summer(must have left air gaps)… called her “Gertie”… many hours of joy watching her slithering around and sunning herself in the garlic

    I may try a Hügel indoors in my 45 gallon fabric pot (4 by 4 grow tent). That way you use less soil after you line the bottom with rotten wood/other organic solid material.

    If you put a Hügel bed in, keep in mind how much they shrink as all the organic material breaks down. My 5 yr. old bed has gone from 4 ft. high to about 1.5 ft. today… and Gertie’s gone : (

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