23 Commentaires

  1. hey Shane and Dan long time fan, this video is great I've been looking for a new peice to get an this made me want to look into leisure… I'm really curious though what's the song thats playing in the background? much love to the CCC420

  2. Fuckin love this channel!!! You guys set a good example for the counter culture to follow. I'm mean the channel has it all And you always keep it classy. ( gotta love that.)

  3. Fact:
    If you want a REAL Tree arm.. You get a Leisure.. Or B. Wilson.. Straight and simple..
    Leisure is the God father for Tree arms not to mention his brother is pretty damn good as well.
    But it is really nice to see this family back kicking ass w/ there glass, i know they had family sickness problems a year or so back.
    Glad everything is good.

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