Check on YouTube
My homies @OgeeKush76 and Jordan and I decided to do an old school « Jerky Boys/Crank Yankers » style prank call segment….. Check on YouTube
Spending a day getting wrecked in Los Angeles with us….sounds PERFECT!!! IG : TIK … Check on YouTube
If being on the show wasnt epic enough…a gift box from the man himself!! IG : TIK TOK … Check on YouTube
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13:04 Jan 24th my bday mad hyped 🙏
Mao Zedong cut
Dam it I missed it again hope your doing good tommy I fuck with you so hard (no homo) but you seem like a great friend and person to be around I love your vibes and you inspire me to keep going and maybe one day be able to collaborate with you would be a dream but I know I need to get my numbers up which I will ❤see you when I get there ❤😊
Looks fire
Now let's get recked
I'm ur biggest fan love ur f,in vids
Yo wut up
The dopest discord link expired in your linktree
Dam wish I saw this earlier good shit though thomas
Crazy boy
What Time is it where your at it’s 12:07 here
Wow! You got the Maybach? Excellent
Wiz Khalifa?
13:40. Pete Davidson idk thats my best guess. Musician before an actor, he’s in several movies that feature big stars
Can't wait to see the TedTalk bro. I know that it's going to be amazing
Yola is the goat
Man stg we all can't wait either hope you blow them away 🤣🙏
Ngl I think this is actually the 5th time actually joining your live since 2016💀
Nothing better than some trees and ur female in a warm pad all high and shit 💯
Yo what’s up Thomas ur a 🐐 !!
pissed i missed this
Are t breaks essential?
Love the vids keep it up
Hey hey huge fan u have inspired me so much to do better in 2023 I can’t wait for more story times!!!!!
Hope you had a good Christmas!
Thanks for chillin with me
Yooo all the way from NYC