39 Commentaires

  1. My beautiful girl had been diagnosed with pancreatitis. A condition believed to be quite treatable with diligent care, which I was willing, and able to do…but because of vet malpractice/negligence her condition worsened. She was hospitalized by two different vets, she was given fluid therapy at the first vet for 2 nights, then the ER that had her hospitalized for four days, kept putting off placing the feeding tube. Every day I asked, sometimes two times or more I would call and ask if the tube had been placed, they kept telling my they had emergencies and different excuses, (she went in because she was an emergency! a silent emergency) including a misdiagnosis that got miscommunicated between vets and vet techs, which also postponed the procedure. In the meantime they were "treating" her with hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments and fluid therapy, offering food every 4 hours, which she wouldn't eat. It made no sense, I had paid for her tube already and they postponed and postponed. I didn't know what to do, I thought I was doing the right thing taking her to the ER. I didn't want to put her through more stress. Finally, by chance, when we went to visit her, we got to speak to a vet taking over starting her shift and she, probably felt incredibly embarrassed, said she would look her over and she did, called us back around midnight to basically apologized about the miscommunication and said she will be placing the tube after we got off the phone. It took them three days!!!! to get her feeding tube placed! Because her fur was so healthy looking and she looked beautiful, and didn't look outwardly like an emergency, they neglected her. When she finally came home with us, I spent 24/7 with her, giving her regular feedings and taking care of her other needs. She seemed to be on the mend, ever so slightly… Day 1 and 2 being home under my care. Then, She became severely constipated the 3rd night… and the 4th morning her motor neural functions started failing her, her body was beginning to fail. I have been devastated, its been almost a month since losing my beautiful baby girl. I am crying every day. It just doesn't seem real. I thought I was doing what was best for her taking her to the vet. Everything I have read about pancreatitis in cats in veterinary protocols: the first order of business is to get nutrition into them. I even knew this. The vets did everything wrong! and she suffered because of them… I still can hardly believe it. I really can't. She was 12 years old, and had been in perfect health up until then.I ended up spending $5,000 for negligent malpractice. I would have paid 10,000 to have my beautiful girl back! And since nothing can be done to get her back, I am beside myself every day. Having to navigate this world without her has been tremendously painful. I have always had a special connection to her and all my cats I have ever had in my life. She was the light of the house, now the house is feels quiet and empty. Her sister has also been grieving over losing her. And we are trying to heal together…. It is a wrong that can never be righted. It upturned my world and I am still trying to land on my feet, but it is going to take time. For now I feel utterly incomplete and broken.

  2. It’s super late at night & I came across this video. You touched my heart with everything you say in it. I literally cried. I lost my dog Minnie 4 weeks ago. She was 16 1/2yrs a small Maltese. I also lost our other Maltese Precious last November that was 14 1/2yrs. We have 1 Maltese left Dante that is 13 1/2yrs. He’s grieving badly the other 2 dogs. He cries & lays where they slept at night. They all were inseparable until death. I’m grieving badly too as I did literally EVERYTHING with them. They never left my side. Minnie had separation anxiety badly as we lost my mom & sister 2 1/2yrs ago. So much death in a short amount of time. Minnie was like a baby for me I had to take her everywhere I went, otherwise her anxiety would be bad & she’d be super depressed, so I never left her side. She wanted held a lot too. I am experiencing all the signs/symptoms you spoke of in your video. You covered it all very well & with much compassion. Thank you because I experience a lot of guilt too. Hearing you explain this is common somehow gave me a little bit of peace. I’m trying my best to be happy for our 1 dog left as he literally cries if I mention the name of Minnie right now. I take him for walks & give him plenty of love, but obviously like myself he misses the other 2 dogs. Also not having my mom & sister he remembers them too. It’s just me & my Dad in the house with him now. Thank you so much for this video. God bless you truly. I can tell you have a big heart as well. I appreciate you sharing your personal loss as well. Sorry you endured heartbreaking loss too. I believe it wasn’t chance that I saw your video, but clearly was exactly what I needed to see/hear. I actually would love to have/know more about your book. This is my 1st time hearing of you. You’re a beautiful soul. 🙏🏼

  3. Thank you Dr. Jones for this video…..
    I'm still greiving the sudden loss of my dog Delilah who died just 6 weeks ago. She was such a vibrant healthy dog &
    We were playing fetch on Thursday & Friday she was dead.
    I still find myself so angry at the vet who misdiagnosed her. Then I blame myself thinking I should have taken her to a different Animal Emergency Hospital.
    I still can't sleep. I wake up after 2 – 4 hours in a panic knowing she's not here anymore. I lost 10 pounds in the 1st 10 days because I couldn't eat. I still can't eat much & I cry eveyday. I knew that I would grieve her death when that time came but I didn't think I would grieve this deeply.
    I can honestly say losing her was as bad as losing my human family – and sometimes I feel I am grieving more deeply over losing my dog than I have for my human family members I've lost. I think it's because my dog gave me unconditional love & I've never experienced unconditional love from any human.
    I know with time my greif will lessen & I shared 10 years of my life with Delilah – but still it wasn't long enough.

    My dog Delilah was such a goofy clown with a huge personality & 2 weeks before she died I took her face between my hands & said "Don't you dare die on me anytime soon Delilah because I'm not ready to lose you yet."
    Had I only known that just 2 weeks later I would lose her.
    It's been a tough 6 weeks for me emotionally.
    In memory of my Delilah ❤

  4. I just lost my beloved dog Delilah on 1-17-2020. I am inconsolable, greif stricken. I can barely eat or sleep. I will never get over her death & the circumstances that led up to her death will haunt me.
    If only I had taken Delilah to a different vet she quite possibly would be laying on my lap right this minute.
    She was a healthy, vibrant dog on Thursday 1-16-2020 & dead on Friday. My mistake was taking her to the wrong animal hospital where a young, inexperienced Vet misdiagnosed my dog!! This Vet even dismissed my request for X-Rays to check for blockages or other problems that could be going on with Delilah. This vets words to me were "an X-RAY is UNNECESSARY."

    This vet diagnosed my dog with pancreatitis in spite of Delilahs pancreatic labs coming back normal.
    Delilah displayed all the classic symtoms of BLOAT.
    Delilah absolutely needed that "Unnecessary" X-RAY!!
    The Vet hasn't even called me to offer her condolences. NOTHING! She spent less than 10 minutes with Delilah during that emergency visit & charged me nearly $600….for killing my dog thru her misdiagnosis!

    When brought Delilah to this animal hospital in the middle of the night I presented all of my dogs symtoms to her that brought me to this animal hospital.
    Told her Delilah was playing our daily game of fetch. As the day goes by she starts throwing up thick contents that resembled marshmallow cream best I can describe it. Then drinking copious amounts of water, restlessness, then panting. By the time I got her to the hospital Delilah had these thick volumes of white gooey saliva hanging off both sides of her mouth.
    This vet shouldve immediately run X-RAYS instead of dismissing my request as Unnecessary.
    She assumed my dog had pancreatitis since Delilah had pancreatitis 2 years ago.
    I am so ANGRY & there's nothing I can do to hold this Vet accountable. We hold physician's accountable for killing for the mistakes they make yet Vets get a free pass.
    I'm not saying all bets are bad. If course they're are wonderful Vetrenarians out there.
    I just happened to end up with an inexperienced, incompetent Vet that night.
    To my Delilah – I'm sorry I failed her.

  5. Dogs are family they are the purest souls …..looking at the empty chair or bed ….the loss is overwhelming, we miss their presence ….their personalities, we miss them ! …. their love is one of life’s greatest gifts …..”it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”

  6. I lost a beloved pitbull that me and my boyfriend adopted after she was abandoned and chained in a back yard. When she died we cried like babies and i vowed to never get another one because the pain was so intense. Before that i couldn't understand how people loved their pets like human family members but once i got a pet i realized that u do indeed love that pet like family. I loved her and didn't realize how much until she died. It took me almost 8 yrs to accept another pet. I have a cat now and 2 dogs and they are my children. I don't even wanna think about them dying😢. My cat Bailey was a stray tom when i found him and i was able to domesticate him which is rare for feral cats. I got him first then after a year i got my dog Thor which was a runt and his mother refused to feed him. I fed him from a bottle and raised him up. He's 8 mos now. My other dog is a puppy named GiGi and i just adore her. I can go on and on about them. I know all the pet parents understand the love and bond u build with your pet/pets. I love all mine the same.

  7. I just lost my 10 year old lab Maggie May suddenly on November 22 from pericardial effusion .How does this happen? She was just playing at the barn 3 days before . She was healthy and hyper for 10 and had an exam in July. I'm just in complete shock still.

  8. I'm left with a huge hole in my heart. I've lost so many of my pets. Most having unusual lengths of longevity. My oldest puppy was 21 years old when I lost him. I had had him since he was 7 weeks old. It's devastating. I still cry and it's been almost 2 years.

  9. I had to euthanise my little dog Bobby three weeks ago, tumour on his spleen, uncontrolled diabetes, blindness, etc etc. Although I know it was my final act of kindness to him I still feel guilty. So thankyou so much for this video..it really helped me tonight. I'm crying whilst writing this but it did help me. Bless you. X UK.

  10. I lost my 18 and a half year old cat at 3:30 am this tuesday , he died beside me in my bed , he was okay on sunday until supper time , he became very lethargic and couldnt eat or drink , his eyes full of discharge , he was diagnosed with Squammous cell carcinoma under his tongue on august 20 , I suspect he had it in june or july cause he was already favoring his mouth , i thought it was a bad tooth then , it was more than that 🙁 ,I went to work on monday and my mom took care of him , I came for lunch at home try to feed him or give him water , its like he was somewhere else , took an appointment for 9am , I went to bed at 1:30 , at 3:30 I heard him making noise , like having trouble to breathe , I opened the light immediatly , I listen to his heartbeat , it had dropped by half , I knew he was leaving . im totally crushed since , im in the phase shouldve couldve , mourning his death it very hard without knowing the exact cause of death , I know he didnt die of cancer that night(mostly related yes but not killed by the cancer that night) , it was something else , I have dozens of scenarios running constantly in my head , in some of them I blame my self 🙁

  11. Focus on all the good times you shared together before the bitter end-Lost my Yumi-Jane in September and the tears can still sneak up on me from time to time-(Like right now)- we walked so many miles together, side by side,-My touchstone Doggie-And they forgive us any mistakes we make because such is their nature-To love something is to risk everything-But Love we must🐾

  12. #VeterinarySecrets I loss my side kick two years ago because of a careless mistake by a family member. I went through so much guilt, anger and sadness. I thank the "Emergency Vet Office" for helping me during this dark moment. My "Hummer" was a healthy 13 year young feline before the tragic incident. I took his body home and buried him out back. I cried for a month. A few months later, I adopted another cat, who was a senior cat of 10 now 12. She's very active though. After 2yrs, I am now getting too know her. She's a love bug. I miss my "Hummer" each day. I wrote stories about him, which have helped a lot. In addition, I am much more compassionate when others suffer the loss of a pet. Our pets become family. Some times being the only company we may have. Thanks again.🤗🐾🐾

  13. Grieving and length of grief i think depends on alot of things. Age of pet, time we had them, how they died, what we did or didn't do to help them. I think as long as we did the best we could and showed them love and affection during our time with them and treated the with kindness they had a great life. I think most of us punish ourselves more than we should about things that were out of our control. I have lost many pets, some youngish and some old. It hurts everytime. I grieved for 2 years over my 16 year old dogs passing. I cried for 2 years everytime i heard certain songs or saw a similar dog or looked at photos. I was traumatised. I have since learnt to be gentler on myself after the death of a pet by knowing and believing that i put 110% into the relationship. So please everybody grieve but don't punish yourself as i don't think our furbabies would want that.

  14. My puppy we got 8wk old didn't get worm shots didn't kno he was a rotty.
    I trained him 2wks.
    He started vomiting n diarrhea took to vet I kept him in his cage when we went to bed.n didn't kno at the time give pedalyte n to syringe food. He died 3 months old.
    I took off my cna job 2 wks feeding him evry 3hrs n giving meds.
    This was 5yrs ago never got another dog.
    I let him down it stil hurts me of what I shuld of done differently.
    It's hard

  15. Hi Doctor ,

    My Goldenretriever age 7 now and his ears got bulged doctor.Can we treat with homeopathy medicine without surgery ? Please kindly let me know what should be done and is there option to solve without going for surgery 🙂

  16. I had my Princess for almost 15 years, she was so loyal, sweet and best friend dog. I can see on her eyes the real love and was a truly angel to me. I still to this second as am writing the grieving of her . Was necessary to put her to sleep. It took me hrs at the vet hugging and talking to her. I can even remember looking at me and I feel her speaking to me one day we will be together. I love you deeply deeply on my heart my Princess dog. It hurts really bad. I asked to be cremated and I have her ashes on my room. But I feel her presence next to my bed like she used to sleep next to me. 😰. Always on my heart ❤️

  17. Hi plss help me, I live on an island with a hot climate and sometimes it rains. The last time i gave my dog heartworm prevention (heartgard) was about a year ago, so does he have to get tested for heartworms ?? Or can i continue giving hime prevention

  18. It's very hard to lose a pet who has been a constant companion for years. It is like losing a member of your family. We lost one of our mini poodles in March. He was 13 years old and a very loving dog. We miss him tremendously and his brother mini poodle is still missing him also. It's hard. Thanks for discussing this important issue.

  19. Thank you for this video, Dr. Jones. Our 17 yr. old border collie, Fiona, is in her final days of lymphoma. We have made the decision to let her go before she suffers more. We have done a lot together. Even though we love all of the dogs we've had over the years, she has been something extra special. She was my wife's sidekick and so very smart. It is devastating to have to say good-bye. It was very comforting to my wife to hear you talk about the grieving process.

  20. Pets are our family members to. When there presence are no longer there it feels like a real family member absent. My prayers are for all of you who has experienced this kind of trauma.

  21. Please let us all know with the Holidays coming up, can viewers with Dogs have "Turkey" Turkey thats been baisted with real 100% butter & Turkey Seasoning?? And Cats/ Kittys?
    *Also can you get Crafty here & show us all how to make these things for Dogs, & Cats??
    1.) Play House for Kittys * & Cats, & Puppys & Dogs
    2.) Dog Candy Treats ~is there really such a thing?
    Recipes for Kittys & Cats
    Guitar & More🎶🎸🎻🎺🎷🎹🥁is it true that playing songs to our Pets is healthy???
    >>>———–>>> Or do certain notes 🎵🎶 hurt their EARS??? If so please share with us viewers some songs that you play..
    🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶💗💐📚* also please look at my Kitty's new video & tell me if playing with her like this will maybe cause axiety or a heart attack … cuz i wanna do the right thing…

    Debora/ Deb aka Susan > my middle name, & Spencer is (2nd great grandmothers last name)

  22. In times like these a heartfelt hug can do so much more than words! Death is the stage of life that we must all endure but never want it to come to pass. I find that reminiscing about good and funny moments can bring you back to a positive focus. It takes many years before no more tears are shed but as all things pass we can find joy in our hearts for being able to have shared precious moments and love together. ♡

  23. Don't tell me that there just a dog. They are so much more to all of us. We have a 14 year old Lab that now has heart disease along with kidney issues. We will do what we can, but we know his time with us is short. Thank you for your words, but I don't know if any words will help when it happens. JN

  24. When people say it’s just a pet, it’s not it’s out child! We never get over it we just learn to live with it.
    And who the hell dislike this vid or any of your vid in general?

  25. Ive been handling it very well. I dont think ive weeped yet…its been about a month. But the symptom i did have was my heart actually started to be pained…i prayed and the chest pain left me…but although ive not been outwardly emotional…im not surprised my heart hurt because i ❤ 'd. my big boy.

    I dont care to talk about it. Im actually able to move forward the less i discuss his loss. Im sure others are opposite of me.

    I have a new puppy now and loving her has helped me process and move forward tremendously. 😊

  26. 😢😢for everyone who has ever lost a pet please accept my condolences,the grief can never go away but can be replaced by all the great memories bad and good the smelly poop loving smile and so on.

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