35 Commentaires

  1. Is there any fund for the Inuit? I have seen WWF and some organizations enabling indigenous people to develop and keep their traditions but not the Inuit.
    Btw, for those who don't know, the indigenous never go overboard hunting and they respect the animals very much, and even sometimes they are affected because the animals they hunt can be reduced due to global warming. The gorverment should help them more

  2. Respect for Matty for verging to Andrew Zimmern territory in trying those exotic foods. Also huge respect for shedding light on the struggles of the Inuit people in regards to food insecurity.

  3. after seeing inuit food in this video, I really REALLY want to try some.
    As a Navajo, even though I predominantly grew up in the city, I also grew up eating organs (my dad's mom makes the best blood sausage on the planet and I will fight anyone who says otherwise), intestines (achii 😋), and every single part of an animal.
    My favorite was when our grandpa would let us pick meat off of the sheep's head that he roasted. It was a big deal because, the head was his favorite and was always reserved for him alone.
    So, seeing their traditional cuisine just made my mouth water and stoked my appetite.

  4. As a vegan egad I actually have 0 to no problem with this. Food security here is so low that this is literally a survival situation. The whole idea behind veganism is "where applicable" you cant in sound mind say that these folks can applicably be vegan, or even vegetarian. If I were to march my happy ass up there to hunt then no Im not in a survival situation. Again these folks are. Now we have to ask ourselves why are they expected to pay $12 for Cauliflower. Maybe thats where the issue lies 👀

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