In this episode I have the pleasure of chatting with my bud Chef Elycia Ross. Chef Elycia is the chef and owner of Lil’ Truck On … Check on YouTube
35 Commentaires
I bought 2 of these, tried one. Couldn't even finish it I thought I was gonna vomit, the other one has stayed in my fridge and hasn't been touched. I offered it to my room mate for free just to get rid of it and he doesn't even want it. 🤢
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think about it…LOL! I notice on the tweed website you cant find this drink, I suspect any retailer still selling it is just trying to unload the inventory.
This is fuxking gross as fuck. I’d never buy this shit again. Worst drink I’ve ever fucking tried. Puke. Just tired it wish I could return it what a waste of money leaves the nastiest bitter taste in your mouth
So basically it’s like taking a spoon full of Buckley’s followed by a spoon full of sugar lol. Gross. Tweed is just absolutely ridiculous, everything they touch is garbage.
I finally tasted this. It tastes like swamp water. Swamp water being fountain soda machine mix, Pepsi, plus what ever else the machine has to offer. It has a bad after taste that goes quickly, that’s the bitter part. But my customers are coming back for it. But I don’t understand how people drink alcohol, that shit is nasty I don’t see why any one would want to drink that stuff. So maybe you should see what your customers think, and just bring in one or two cases to your store. The drink reminds me of the days at the skate park drinking your welted slushy/slurpy made up of the swamp water method from the local 7/11 gas station fountain machines. Some of those mixes were truly nasty lol. But I understand and respect your reasoning for not bringing it in to your store.
I had this too and it was almost undrinkable. This is what happens when business people invest in an industry they know nothing about. I can imagine their thought process: "people who use cannabis are animals and those snimals will buy anything with pot in it." I can also see this as an appeal to Health Canada/moral panic. As in "see? We made it taste disgusting so kids don't accidently drink and enjoy it".
This is an honest review, it may seem like an overreaction or exaggeration but Deep Space has an unbearable taste unless it's mixed with alcohol. Deep Space mixed with a shot of Hennessy is very reminiscent of a Rum and Coke.
When you took the first sip haha priceless Could you review some products from any of Aphrias brands like Solei, Riff or Good Supply? Heard they have solid quality would be fun with your take.
I actually liked it? Why all the hate? I thought it tasted pretty good – maybe those guys were hoping for a mountain dew taste or something…I don't drink soda so …
🤣 I have been waiting for this reaction!!! I tried my first (and last) one the other day. Luckily, I didn't pay for it. Mixing it with more soda doesn't work either… you just end up having to drink more with the same unpalatable taste. If I was nice about it… I would say it tastes like a lightly carbonated dark ginger soda with faint berry and herb blend…. but, it's more like flat PC Cola, Buckley's, and green chartreuse. We sell a decent daily average of these, solely based on the potency and equivalency (likewise with the Veryvell drops). Go figure… "Tastes awful, but it works" is the typical customer feedback. We are starting to see more of a shift to the TGOD infuser packs (and Veryvell drops) though as we have been able to provide some tips and recipes for them to easily infuse their own products. We talk about mocktails, hot/cold beverages, sauces, dressings, and more. I think the Deep Space honeymoon is over though and will likely be left in the dust of the upcoming products in the beverage (and infusible) category.
I was looking forward to this video. I saw your IG story and have been waiting. This is the worst and I can't wait to show our Canopy Growth rep when she's in again.
Have you tried the shots yet? I've seen one from Aurora which is a citrus shot of 10mg THC and the THC Biomed Kiss 10mg shot. Also, the Rise Tea from Haven St. I really enjoyed the tea.
I honestly can't believe this was allowed on the market tbh. Pretty sure it gave me radiation poisoning. I still have nightmares about drinking that shit.
I know you're reviewing pop drinks with weed juice squeezed into it, but drink the entire can if you're going to review a product. I care as much about the high as the flavour and you didn't talk about that at all. This review seemed kinda dramatic and without substance. Come on cannabis sommelier you slippin on this one
I was told it is a shooter, that’s why it’s so small. I think it tastes like Jaegermeister and flat coke too. And I think it tastes like Jaeger-Jaegerbombs, which are gross too. I thinks that’s their point. If it’s a shooter, it’s a badge of honour to keep it down. Lol we drank these at the lake poured into shooter glasses shaken over ice and we had a BLAST. Got messed up and no hangover next day. I would never sip on this- just shoot it back and enjoy the ride.👍
3:33 Packaged legal cannabis drinks are a huge fail. There needs to be some kind of four or six pack where each can or bottle has a minimum of 20mg THC and 20mg CBD.
you should get ready for the TWEED fan boy's to yell at you! . LOL can you believe their are people that like this shit . who approved this? . the dummy's at tweed , their as dumb as a bag of hammers . they do this all the time . it goes good with their shitty weed . tweed is on my ban list . everything from them . have you tried the VERRYWELL Yawn Drops yet?. they work great. 👍but it does have a bad taste to it 🤮. but if you put it in some flavored sparkling water it's not so bad . but they really do work .
It's infuriating that the cannabis equivalent is based on the size of the can! You can buy 7 of these at the store at once but only 5 of the 355ml bottles that have less THC!
I bought 2 of these, tried one. Couldn't even finish it I thought I was gonna vomit, the other one has stayed in my fridge and hasn't been touched. I offered it to my room mate for free just to get rid of it and he doesn't even want it. 🤢
Haha when you sniffed it you were bang on with the taste .
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think about it…LOL! I notice on the tweed website you cant find this drink, I suspect any retailer still selling it is just trying to unload the inventory.
This is fuxking gross as fuck. I’d never buy this shit again. Worst drink I’ve ever fucking tried. Puke. Just tired it wish I could return it what a waste of money leaves the nastiest bitter taste in your mouth
I just finished drinking one honestly gives a great buzz and it's not about taste it's like a shot you do quick to get high
I love the stuff
So basically it’s like taking a spoon full of Buckley’s followed by a spoon full of sugar lol. Gross. Tweed is just absolutely ridiculous, everything they touch is garbage.
I finally tasted this. It tastes like swamp water. Swamp water being fountain soda machine mix, Pepsi, plus what ever else the machine has to offer. It has a bad after taste that goes quickly, that’s the bitter part. But my customers are coming back for it. But I don’t understand how people drink alcohol, that shit is nasty I don’t see why any one would want to drink that stuff. So maybe you should see what your customers think, and just bring in one or two cases to your store. The drink reminds me of the days at the skate park drinking your welted slushy/slurpy made up of the swamp water method from the local 7/11 gas station fountain machines. Some of those mixes were truly nasty lol. But I understand and respect your reasoning for not bringing it in to your store.
I had this too and it was almost undrinkable. This is what happens when business people invest in an industry they know nothing about. I can imagine their thought process: "people who use cannabis are animals and those snimals will buy anything with pot in it." I can also see this as an appeal to Health Canada/moral panic. As in "see? We made it taste disgusting so kids don't accidently drink and enjoy it".
This is an honest review, it may seem like an overreaction or exaggeration but Deep Space has an unbearable taste unless it's mixed with alcohol. Deep Space mixed with a shot of Hennessy is very reminiscent of a Rum and Coke.
How can they be so bad at making infused drinks? It's already being done it various states. Nevada has 2 roots Brewing with infused beer.
10 ml that can’t be worth the taste lol 😂
When you took the first sip haha priceless
Could you review some products from any of Aphrias brands like Solei, Riff or Good Supply? Heard they have solid quality would be fun with your take.
Lmao! You hit the nail on the head with this one
Thanks for the review. I hope you try mine when they come out. I'm sure we can do better than this! State B Beverage co.
What was the last release for this company that was a home run? Have they done anything right? Asking for a friend.
Your facial expressions were classic in this one.
I've got a good tolerance for strange tastes. Maybe I'll try this one when it's being cleared out and on discount for $3 or whatnot.
I actually liked it? Why all the hate? I thought it tasted pretty good – maybe those guys were hoping for a mountain dew taste or something…I don't drink soda so …
Surprise, Surprise, a shitty Tweed product 🙄😳😢
Thanks for taking one for the team brotha!! I'm low key interested in trying it though just to see how bad it really is 🤣😂😂👍
🤣 I have been waiting for this reaction!!! I tried my first (and last) one the other day. Luckily, I didn't pay for it. Mixing it with more soda doesn't work either… you just end up having to drink more with the same unpalatable taste. If I was nice about it… I would say it tastes like a lightly carbonated dark ginger soda with faint berry and herb blend…. but, it's more like flat PC Cola, Buckley's, and green chartreuse. We sell a decent daily average of these, solely based on the potency and equivalency (likewise with the Veryvell drops). Go figure… "Tastes awful, but it works" is the typical customer feedback. We are starting to see more of a shift to the TGOD infuser packs (and Veryvell drops) though as we have been able to provide some tips and recipes for them to easily infuse their own products. We talk about mocktails, hot/cold beverages, sauces, dressings, and more. I think the Deep Space honeymoon is over though and will likely be left in the dust of the upcoming products in the beverage (and infusible) category.
When some one asks to buy Deep space where I work we tell them it tastes bad. So buy at your own risk, we warned you. Lol
I was looking forward to this video. I saw your IG story and have been waiting. This is the worst and I can't wait to show our Canopy Growth rep when she's in again.
Have you tried the shots yet? I've seen one from Aurora which is a citrus shot of 10mg THC and the THC Biomed Kiss 10mg shot. Also, the Rise Tea from Haven St. I really enjoyed the tea.
I honestly can't believe this was allowed on the market tbh. Pretty sure it gave me radiation poisoning. I still have nightmares about drinking that shit.
Deep Sh&t !!!!
I know you're reviewing pop drinks with weed juice squeezed into it, but drink the entire can if you're going to review a product. I care as much about the high as the flavour and you didn't talk about that at all. This review seemed kinda dramatic and without substance. Come on cannabis sommelier you slippin on this one
I was told it is a shooter, that’s why it’s so small. I think it tastes like Jaegermeister and flat coke too. And I think it tastes like Jaeger-Jaegerbombs, which are gross too. I thinks that’s their point. If it’s a shooter, it’s a badge of honour to keep it down. Lol we drank these at the lake poured into shooter glasses shaken over ice and we had a BLAST. Got messed up and no hangover next day. I would never sip on this- just shoot it back and enjoy the ride.👍
Lol on to the next😂🇨🇦
Don't have a lot of infused beverages where I'm from. Tweed has suddenly appeared on a few menus recently. We shall see. 🤷♂️
Packaged legal cannabis drinks are a huge fail.
There needs to be some kind of four or six pack where each can or bottle has a minimum of 20mg THC and 20mg CBD.
It's all about tgod infusers, why drink garbage when you can drink what you want with tgod
you should get ready for the TWEED fan boy's to yell at you! . LOL can you believe their are people that like this shit . who approved this? . the dummy's at tweed , their as dumb as a bag of hammers . they do this all the time . it goes good with their shitty weed . tweed is on my ban list . everything from them . have you tried the VERRYWELL Yawn Drops yet?. they work great. 👍but it does have a bad taste to it 🤮. but if you put it in some flavored sparkling water it's not so bad . but they really do work .
great video go on!! would do you think about tgod products ? and when do they scale up production its really hard to get their stuff
We were told when working and through training for the new edibles and stuff they told us it was supposed to taste like Dr Pepper.
I loved it and it's the most potent beverage on the market currently. And if you like Jager spice they are a home run!
It's infuriating that the cannabis equivalent is based on the size of the can! You can buy 7 of these at the store at once but only 5 of the 355ml bottles that have less THC!