27 Commentaires

  1. I’m glad the show died. I was high watching the whole thing, and I felt insulted. I never once felt anything for any character. The only good character they got is the karate guy, but it’s only because he’s the most miserable dude out of all of them.

    The biggest problem with it, along with Disenchantment is that their tone is inconsistent. They don’t balance the comedy well with emotional moments at all. Disjointed is worse because it’s a sitcom. Not saying it’s possible for a sitcom to have emotional moments, however it’s hard to care about any of this when a character is making shit balls.

    So I’m glad the show is dead before it got worse and more popular.

  2. Idk if it’s just me but I feel like they are just trying waaaaay too hard. Like that kid everyone had in high school who really wanted to be a “cool kid” and would pretend to be high in class but didn’t know tree bark from weed, let alone what a weed high felt like….And like you said when I watched it after smoking all I could focus on was that damn laugh track -.-

  3. I really like the show, even though parts are really annoying or just really weird in a way I just don't understand. It's pretty fun to smoke a bowl and laugh at it all, though.

  4. I just watched it the other day & couldn't get past the first 20 or 30 minutes , the intro was Lame , and Honestly not really funny , they just are trying to cash in on the New Pot movement

  5. I think it's cheezy. Couldn't get through it without getting annoyed. Lol although Kathy Bates did make me laugh here and there. I have to say that at least. But as someone who consumes cannabis for extreme medical purposes I have to say it can be insulting and just way too stereotypical like you said not everybody who consumes it walks around acting like a moron I actually consume it to function and act normal so that part bothers me but there are some funny parts other than that I think it's pretty dumb

  6. Can't even get through the first episode. The whole laugh track, the "dad jokes", the sitcom-ish style just puts me off. I tried getting into it, I really did, because I was interested in a cannabis-based show, but unfortunately I was disappointed.

  7. I liked that they're trying to acknowledge the culture, the laugh track was wack. I'll watch next season hopefully they'll introduce a well spoken positive marijuana smoker there's a lot of us out there 🙂

  8. At first i hated disjointed, but i came back, rewatched the first episode, watched a few more and honestly enjoyed the show. Thought they were bad at mixing in the drama bits, and that it was very immature, but a decent show with a few good laughs! They definitely didn't take it as seriously as i wouldve liked to see

  9. honestly I think people are putting way too much thought into it. if you really think that people out there are going to look at these characters and think that that's how Stoners are and please give people a little bit more faith. it's it's not that difficult to realize that these are exaggerated characters that's all TV has been for the last hundred years it's always been exaggerated on any kind of character it's just a Cheesy funny sitcom

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