Check on YouTube
Be careful with blunts man !! They’re so addicting its hard to stop once you get started !! I highly suggest YOU STAY away from … Check on YouTube
whats good yall so lately puffco has been sending me every single new item they’ve made and by far their newest puffco is their … Check on YouTube
Mad faded in SAN FRANCISCO with my brothers I really enjoyed spending time with them. I’M TRULY blessed to be in this … Check on YouTube
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1000 MG is for pussys 😂
That shit make yo chest hurt after awhile… idk if is cuz I was drinking too or not Buh thought I finna die
Bros speaking English now I remember them videos when he was dying in the bathroom 😭
Covering that label cause you knows its some shit delta 8
Thatsthejuana is what he said lmfaoaaoaoao
Plot twist… the bottle was empty from the start
Well now we know the brand name is justified thanks tio 😂
Lmao bro
Let me question something do you know where you will go after you die? If not let me say you can have a choice to either go to hell or heaven see 2000 years ago there was this man named Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and rose alive 3 days later all because he truly loved us he died for us so I question you now do you truly believe in Jesus or do you live for the world turn to Jesus Christ trust in him Christ has way much more to give than the world he loves us turn to Christ
why doesnt he ever talk about the product contents. Its probably distillate the cheapest stuff that is in 90% of dispo edibles/thc edible products. Full spec edibles are much more difficult to find and source.
My boy was gonneeee 😂
I'm high aslll em he got me tweakin😂😂😂😂😂😂
I Need Parts
W uncle he was even like oh the one on insta? He a real one 🔥 today is another day to go get it
Nah bro, just nah
Bros still gonna be faded the next morning 😂😂😂
aint no way you handed him an empty bottle bro
Bottle empty bro 🤣🤣🤣
Finna give sum to my gradpapi see how he dance after
Buddy gonna go to sleep faded and finna wake up faded 😂
There is nothing in it
If it ain wock ion want it
I need to see more lol
Man sleeping in heaven without knowing 😭man is gon be peacefully sleeping
Nah thc lean had me high for 48 hours went to sleep high woke up high never again 😭
These skits funny asf 😭 😭
He knows he f’ed up 😂
me rn