Dr Jones’ Free Book… Dr Jones’ Dog and Cat Supplements: … Check on YouTube
43 Commentaires
Best not to use this on your cat if they groom excessively. Can be used cautiously. Only a light mist, spread it around with your hands, and then no more than once/week.
Not sure if he's ever used this before. At 5:34, he says " Alright Thula, will this work? I hope so." I'm watching this video because he's a Vet, and I'd like to trust his advice, now I'm not so sure. Does it work and was it safe for Thula?
This is just what I was looking for to protect "Tank".. He's a 110lb Lab/Pit. I just didn't want to pump all those Pesticides into his system. I've seen he already has reactions to some common dog foods (anything Purina) so.. I knew he'd be having a problem with Frontline and Bravecto…. Thanks for the info Doc.. I'm a new subscriber now..
Doc love your recipes, but could you add a warning about how lemon oil can intensify the sun's affect on skin. Pups who spend a lot of time in the sun shouldn't use lemon oil if they've got bare skin patches from hot spots. Sunburn very likely would be imment with lemon oil use.
Essencial oils destroy your pets sences. never use them in dogs, cats or any other animal. they are animals not humans, you guys are torchouring your pets. the dog senses specially….my God this guus is crazy.
Anytime I've tried "natural" remedies they never work for my dogs. In fact I had a dog become allergic to essential oils. Didn't matter what kind. Gentle on skin my a$$. It caused him to itch and itch and itch and would try to roll it off. I had to bathe him to get it off causing the matter to be worse because his skin would be dried out. This is One reason why I hate going to groomers too.. most of them use aessential oil shampoo that I have to bathe off. My poor pups. I buy store bought shampoo and none of my dogs have a reaction.
I'm in my 30s and have had dogs all my life. We have always used Frontline, Frontline plus, and k9 advantix with 0 reaction. I'm blessed. With that said, SOME dogs do have a reaction and you have to use a natural remedy. My uncle has to use a yard spray becauee his dog is allergic to everything including essential oils.
I am devastated as first thank you for this video and I once knew or was told by all my breeder friends about peppermint oil which is great for fleas and ticks but then I forgot as that was 15 years ago. Long story short last fall I ended up going to the vet for a flea pill! Comfortis by Elanco, and both of my dogs died!
using some kind of spray then trying to pick the tick off my dog sound better I find it very hard trying to pick ticks off when my dog keeps moving all over the place
My poor cat has had a sudden onset of blindness, it may be high blood pressure unfortunately I can't have his blood pressure tested because I don't have the money unfortunately, I can go on a payment plan, is Co Q10 ok for my precious cat to take. Thank you.
What causes black poop in dogs? She eats home made food/ chicken and vegetables.. her poop is black on the outside, brown inside! I dont think its blood
I live upon mountain in NC with my dog. He is Australian Shepard/boarder collie mix and love everyday to run up and down through the woods. This morning I pulled out two ticks from his skin. I was told I should check him out every time he goes outside which is impossible since our lives is pretty much outside. What would be the best alternative to protect him and myself from this nasty insect ?
I listened to this dr and stoped the tick and flea prescription that my dog was taking. 4 months ago my dog got a rocky mountain spotted fever and still dealing with this deadly disease and my poor dog is fighting for his life😭😭😭😭😭i wish i would never stopped his medication and would never try natural remedies that he is suggesting. Pray for my poor dog
Can canine Epilepsy Warriors use this holistic Flea & Tick Spray? Concerns with the Lemon Essential Oil in that will it interfere with AEDs (anti seizure drugs). We are told to avoid citrus due to this factor. As always, a wooftastic video 💜 nose nudges 💜
Best not to use this on your cat if they groom excessively. Can be used cautiously. Only a light mist, spread it around with your hands, and then no more than once/week.
adorable the way your puppy is paying attention to your preparing the mix as though you are preparing a meal for him
such a well-mannered dog…
Dr, is there any for indoor cats? Thanks
Can you do a flea spray for cats
Not sure if he's ever used this before. At 5:34, he says " Alright Thula, will this work? I hope so." I'm watching this video because he's a Vet, and I'd like to trust his advice, now I'm not so sure. Does it work and was it safe for Thula?
I love the way the 🐕 licks it's lips every time you add one of the ingredients I to go for national for me and my 🐕
Thank you 💖💖Dr Jones
Thank you
Nice sharing effort
Have a nice day
Funny how skin cancer started as they brought out SUN BLOCKS.
This is just what I was looking for to protect "Tank".. He's a 110lb Lab/Pit. I just didn't want to pump all those Pesticides into his system. I've seen he already has reactions to some common dog foods (anything Purina) so.. I knew he'd be having a problem with Frontline and Bravecto…. Thanks for the info Doc.. I'm a new subscriber now..
Doc love your recipes, but could you add a warning about how lemon oil can intensify the sun's affect on skin. Pups who spend a lot of time in the sun shouldn't use lemon oil if they've got bare skin patches from hot spots. Sunburn very likely would be imment with lemon oil use.
Essencial oils destroy your pets sences. never use them in dogs, cats or any other animal. they are animals not humans, you guys are torchouring your pets. the dog senses specially….my God this guus is crazy.
I use coconut oil for base + eucalyptus drops from CVS but not on face. Chihuahua bath 2x a day (farm neighborhood). Keep ears clean.
Essential oils aren't safe for kitties
I’m about to cry. We live in the woods and I can’t get this flea issue under control. 😭 It’s getting really ridiculous.
Anyone…how often can you use this
Anytime I've tried "natural" remedies they never work for my dogs. In fact I had a dog become allergic to essential oils. Didn't matter what kind. Gentle on skin my a$$. It caused him to itch and itch and itch and would try to roll it off. I had to bathe him to get it off causing the matter to be worse because his skin would be dried out. This is One reason why I hate going to groomers too.. most of them
use aessential oil shampoo that I have to bathe off. My poor pups.
I buy store bought shampoo and none of my dogs have a reaction.
I'm in my 30s and have had dogs all my life. We have always used Frontline, Frontline plus, and k9 advantix with 0 reaction. I'm blessed. With that said, SOME dogs do have a reaction and you have to use a natural remedy. My uncle has to use a yard spray becauee his dog is allergic to everything including essential oils.
Love your channel and your honest input for alternatives!
My Akitas face is his prime location with these fleas. Why not on the face. HELP!!!
You’re the best. It’s a shame we can’t trust regular veterinarians. I’m sure they learn whatever The Flexner said to teach them, just as our doctors.
I am devastated as first thank you for this video and I once knew or was told by all my breeder
friends about peppermint oil which is great for fleas and ticks but then I forgot as that was
15 years ago. Long story short last fall I ended up going to the vet for a flea pill! Comfortis by
Elanco, and both of my dogs died!
So can I use this product/ formula on my cats too? Lightly? ? Would it work & not harm their skin?? Thx
Thanks for this. As far as the CDC…..this is what I think about them😈😈😈🤣
using some kind of spray then trying to pick the tick off my dog sound better I find it very hard trying to pick ticks off when my dog keeps moving all over the place
This is too complex. Just use Apple Cider Vinegar in a spritz bottle, diluted a bit with water.
Thank you so much! I appreciate you and all your videos.
I will definitely try . How often u shoud apply All over .??
Can you please do one for cats also
My poor cat has had a sudden onset of blindness, it may be high blood pressure unfortunately I can't have his blood pressure tested because I don't have the money unfortunately, I can go on a payment plan, is Co Q10 ok for my precious cat to take. Thank you.
What causes black poop in dogs? She eats home made food/ chicken and vegetables.. her poop is black on the outside, brown inside! I dont think its blood
I live upon mountain in NC with my dog. He is Australian Shepard/boarder collie mix and love everyday to run up and down through the woods. This morning I pulled out two ticks from his skin. I was told I should check him out every time he goes outside which is impossible since our lives is pretty much outside. What would be the best alternative to protect him and myself from this nasty insect ?
Tula is tooooo cute❤️😍
Lavender oil is dangerous to pets and cedar oil attracts ticks. Wth
I love ❤️ Tula
How do I get your free book? The link is not working. ☹️
Thank you for information, I would like to know , how many time spray a week ?
I listened to this dr and stoped the tick and flea prescription that my dog was taking. 4 months ago my dog got a rocky mountain spotted fever and still dealing with this deadly disease and my poor dog is fighting for his life😭😭😭😭😭i wish i would never stopped his medication and would never try natural remedies that he is suggesting. Pray for my poor dog
oooh so sad, link doesn't work
Can canine Epilepsy Warriors use this holistic Flea & Tick Spray? Concerns with the Lemon Essential Oil in that will it interfere with AEDs (anti seizure drugs). We are told to avoid citrus due to this factor. As always, a wooftastic video 💜 nose nudges 💜
Good move!~
how about for humans?