27 Commentaires

  1. My dog has serious anxiety and aggression issues an aggression issues and after attacking a couple of my dogs was given to walk sitting which I think is prozac and he is currently at the vet with intestinal bleeding I looked up the fluoxytine can cause it Is there anything that you know of naturally that will work well work like prozac to keep him from being aggressive

  2. Hi Doc what’s the best natural meds for my dog traveling 24 hours by plane. I want him not to bark on the airport while checking in.
    Your help is very important. Please, thanks for your advance help.

  3. I have a 2 oz. / 60 mL / 60,000 mg bottle of Liquid Melatonin (for human consumption.) What in the world would I use to measure only 5 mg for my 50 lb dog??? The bottles label states that 4 mL = 1 mg. Unless I am not correct, 4 mL actually equals 4,000 mg. I have been beating my head against the wall for the past two hours trying to figure out how 4 mL can equate to 1 mg and am giving up now!!! Someone smarter than I please help me if you can!!!

  4. L-theanine
    1hr to take effect
    1mg per pound twice daily
    Long term ok

    Valarian Tincture
    1/2 mg. Per 20 lbs 1mil per 50 lbs
    Every 4-6 hrs
    Not for long term

    Melatonin 2mg per 20lbs. Every 12-24 hrs
    In combination with..
    Passionflower 1mg per pound

    Over the counter for motion sickness with mild sedative effects;
    Gravol (Dramamine) 12.5mg per 10lbs for cats every 6-8 hrs
    1mg per pound for dogs

  5. what is the best natural medication for my dachshund to go to a dogshow please? he goes crazy and so much anxiety every single time. He cant perform his best never because by the time it is his turn he is tired of the wait barking and when he has to go in the dog walk, or ring, he starts to pick up food from other dogs owner that left there, he doesnt care any traning we did at home and all he wants its home….Lol

  6. Dr I’m traveling with my senior dog 11 yr old maltepoo it’s her first time on an airplane it’s a 3 hour flight what would you recommend for her ? Shes gets very stressed I’m worried 🙁
    Thankyou so much she’s my baby I wouldn’t want to give her the wrong thing that would hurt her

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