Do you want to try edibles for the first time? We cover some top tips to make sure your first experience is safe and positive! Edibles … Check on YouTube
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There's a version of spectacle glass with a slight blue tint designed to stop the screens being reflected in your glasses on camera, great for video content creators
Don't even bother getting a pH meter, just get pH strips or pH liquid, we use it in the lab, if its good enough for chemical reactions in a lab its good enough to pH your water, don't overcomplicate things. pH meters need a lot of maintenance, not just calibration but also making sure the probe stays submerged at all times so it doesn't dry out and stop working forever.
Hey guys love the content I’m about to have my 1st harves because of your videos/ 9 wedding cakes in late bloom it’s so exciting! Those terms smell amazing!! I purchased the Apera ph meter from eBay 😟of course the glass probe was smashed off and it would not calibrate. I contacted Apera and they didn’t sound happy I was contacting them for a meter i didn’t buy from them but, no questions asked they said they wouldn’t fix it. They said they would send me a new one and appreciate me using their product. What an amazing customer service experience!!! I can’t say enough how awesome Apera is!
Great video! I’m having a difficult time trying to figure out how to hang my light. It’s similar to yours but smaller (AC Infinity ionboard S24). Do you have a video on light installation? Thanks!
Hi, thanks for your advice! What do you think of starting off with a "complete kit" like what spider farmer sells? I was looking at their SF2000 kit (2×4) to start with. Do you have any experience with their products? Thanks!
I’m thinking about starting one plant but I’ve got to save up the money for a 2x2x4 tent and the accessories I just don’t know what all I actually need for the tent since I’m living in Independence Missouri not sure how our climate weather is
Lighting is the most important thing honestly. Just remember we are trying to replicate the sun, so bigger hotter lights will yield more than LEDs and CFL. Bluelab pens and truncheons are amazing.
I got a ? What do you guys think about UV lighting have you checked into it I hear it’s supposed to increase bud Density still looking too make my buds denser
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Instead of buying pH pens why don't you just buy pH solution
There's a version of spectacle glass with a slight blue tint designed to stop the screens being reflected in your glasses on camera, great for video content creators
Don't even bother getting a pH meter, just get pH strips or pH liquid, we use it in the lab, if its good enough for chemical reactions in a lab its good enough to pH your water, don't overcomplicate things. pH meters need a lot of maintenance, not just calibration but also making sure the probe stays submerged at all times so it doesn't dry out and stop working forever.
Beginners try to teach beginners, OMG what happened with this World
Hey guys love the content I’m about to have my 1st harves because of your videos/ 9 wedding cakes in late bloom it’s so exciting! Those terms smell amazing!! I purchased the Apera ph meter from eBay 😟of course the glass probe was smashed off and it would not calibrate. I contacted Apera and they didn’t sound happy I was contacting them for a meter i didn’t buy from them but, no questions asked they said they wouldn’t fix it. They said they would send me a new one and appreciate me using their product. What an amazing customer service experience!!! I can’t say enough how awesome Apera is!
Great video! I’m having a difficult time trying to figure out how to hang my light. It’s similar to yours but smaller (AC Infinity ionboard S24). Do you have a video on light installation? Thanks!
I don't want to sound like a dummy but here I am, what ph pen do you recommend, I went to the site and am totally confused as new to this.
Hi, thanks for your advice! What do you think of starting off with a "complete kit" like what spider farmer sells? I was looking at their SF2000 kit (2×4) to start with. Do you have any experience with their products? Thanks!
Maybe try and spend money on a light with a dimmer and not a 2 switch light.
So…. Don’t buy co2….. JUST SPEND TIME WITH YOU BABIES! 😆 all they need is time and attention!
I find keeping it simple works best 😀
Maxisisun lights. Way worth the money. Even Migro can't say enough about them.And he builds his own. Especially since they are dimmable.
Just saved 15% thank you
Excellent video! Thank you!
Apera pen are amazing and their customer service is even better!
How did I find you over here 😂😂😂
I still need to PH in organic growing? I thought no need becuz microbes do it? plz help im n00b.
I can't wait to start growing just so I have an excuse to by an AC Infinity fan setup. They are so slick.
That's what's poppin 🍾🥂🍿
I’m thinking about starting one plant but I’ve got to save up the money for a 2x2x4 tent and the accessories I just don’t know what all I actually need for the tent since I’m living in Independence Missouri not sure how our climate weather is
Good job, I can't disagree on any of your topics. Co2 is a bag of wasted money, Get a good PH pen and yes recycle your $ Soil.
Must be role playing night lol. Dont normal rock the glasses
Just chatting shit for your royalties. Disappointing
Best CO2? Water + Sugar + Yeast in a small cup by your yellow sheets. It'll solve all, keep pests away and is CHEAP!!
Lighting is the most important thing honestly. Just remember we are trying to replicate the sun, so bigger hotter lights will yield more than LEDs and CFL. Bluelab pens and truncheons are amazing.
Ph pen was definitely a waste of money
I LOVE my AC infinity cloudline such a bomb fan
That's why you talk to your p!ants ! Inside the tent it gives them all the CO2 they'll ever need !
What model pen is that kit????
I got a ? What do you guys think about UV lighting have you checked into it I hear it’s supposed to increase bud Density still looking too make my buds denser
I thought the thumbnail was a mini ladd
CO2 tanks refills $15
CO2 30% more flour newbie
there is also ph paper, really cheap, i find it perfect for organic growing.