In the third and final installment of the critically-acclaimed smash hit trilogy From Paris with Love we find ourselves starting out at … Check on YouTube
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45 Commentaires
I'm not normally into guys-especially white guys.I'd smoke this guy's salmon anytime,though.
Who the hell cares about Blackpool rock. You buy it as a souvenir and then it lies around at home until its eventually thrown away. The fresh doughnuts are what it's all about. They're so god damn good
Cannot stand Liverpool. It's just so damn ugly! There are some great buildings but they are amongst the worse 60's architecture in living memory. Also the place hasn't "moved on" since the Beatles. Plus, that accent! Port Sunlight is nice though.
I'm not normally into guys-especially white guys.I'd smoke this guy's salmon anytime,though.
This is very different Blackpool from what “Bald & Bankrupt” portrayed in his UK video. That Benjamin guy has lost touch with his own country.
This is very different Blackpool from what “Bald & Bankrupt” portrayed in his UK video. That Benjamin guy has lost touch with his own country.
This is very different Blackpool from what “Bald & Bankrupt” portrayed in his UK video. That Benjamin guy has lost touch with his own country.
This is very different Blackpool from what “Bald & Bankrupt” portrayed in his UK video. That Benjamin guy has lost touch with his own country.
he's so hot, i feel uncomfortable looking at him
Just discovered Munchies and this lad Ben is brilliant. Fascinating about pies, rock, sweets, the scouse
5:50 the most beautiful and arousing sight…EVER!
Not havin' it lad the best scouse in the city is everyon's own mum's scouse.
Everyone says she’s flirting, I honestly don’t see that. She’s just being friendly, engaged and warm.
The Baltic bakehouse is a nonce. Don't give him any business
rock is something grandperents buy and perents put it in the bin
It’s incredibly good.
Nicola is now an actress. Surprise surprise.
God she's pretty.
"This in a pie would be incredibly good as well" – 09:40 – never heard something more english than that.
Love this episode
13:27 this dude should have a patent on the use of the word “sublime”
anyone else think that women at that rock factory were flirting with the presenter?
The host can knock me out anytime.
That fourth gen owner, Nicola, is as hot as that molden candy.
Although the bird from Corrie in the rock factory 👌👌
It's not the home of fish n chips and it's a shit hole full of junkies scratters and con artists
Blackpool isn't the Las Vegas of the North (as in North of England). It could be like Atlantic City. Or if without casinos, the English Santa Monica.
That woman in Blackpool was pat phelens daughter in Corrie
Who the hell cares about Blackpool rock. You buy it as a souvenir and then it lies around at home until its eventually thrown away. The fresh doughnuts are what it's all about. They're so god damn good
Imagine if she said "Hey Tony, come on out and meet this guy! Tony is our cock rock model!"
That BLT
Ben is hot af. Those beautiful eyes.
11:10 — without a doubt one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen
Isn’t she in Corrie?????
Blackpool is horrible, the armpit of England. It’s like the entire place is stuck in a time warp.
marylebone is the home of fish and chips
When you said omg there's so much rock I thought you was talking about crack in Blackpool
3:24 that fookin coke stained nose
Guide to shiteholes
"Incredibly good"
Wish all candy makers looked like her
Cannot stand Liverpool. It's just so damn ugly! There are some great buildings but they are amongst the worse 60's architecture in living memory. Also the place hasn't "moved on" since the Beatles. Plus, that accent! Port Sunlight is nice though.
Who expected to Nicole to be so fit! Knocked me for six that!
So you went to shitty Blackpool and gay Liverpool but you didn’t go to Manchester?
Man Ben Ferguson is sexy !
this place looks like hell on earth
1:25 me when i find a crack den