29 Commentaires

  1. I have lied to my parents about seeing someone (not seeing them anymore) because I was scared of their reactions (I'm 21. It's not like I was in HS).

    However, that person expected me to change for him. He didn't want me using slang and straight up "banned" words. Don't change because someone asked you to.

  2. Fuck… I’m re-watching these after the recent allegations and it still makes me rage. I cannot believe he justifies forcing a former partner with bipolar to stop taking her medication. That can trigger a sudden relapse. In some cases people with bipolar that aren’t being treated can experience psychosis . They can experience suicidal thoughts if the swings in mood are very extreme. He is literally telling his audience they should do what their partner demands even if it’s damaging and dangerous to preserve the relationship with them. He is saying he was happy to put this former girlfriend at serious risk because he doesn’t like her taking head meds. What a cunt.

  3. ‘If they want to take a chemical to make them happier.’ I generally agree with weed, with safe recreational drug use for fun as well. I don’t endorse things like opiates and heroin in the same way though even if it does make them happier temporarily. It’ll harm them and their families and I get that sometimes you need an opiate when you’re in severe pain for example after surgery, and you do need it to function properly for a little while but please try your best to come off those drugs. Specifically. Party with your MDMA or cocaine or ecstasy or chill out with your weed which is harmless. Just make sure you’re doing these things safely and you’re not making a habit out of the cocaine or ecstasy. Try to stay away from opiates and heroin as much as you possibly can.

  4. I would get what onion was saying if they were married in a iligal state but hes in a legal state and it was short term and they were young so stf up onion and drew is a g

  5. … rewatching this.. did he really say that he because he didn't think someone had a disorder he told them to stop taking their medication that their DOCTOR prescribed…. Because his opinion is higher then a doctors? WHAT?!?!!!!!!!!!

  6. I have no smoke left and I feel like I need a joint for sitting through his bs I smoke because of ptsd depression and anxiety, that creep ruined my vibe, just be nice ppl plz, love your content😂

  7. the "brand" argument onision makes is so weak, yeah you can find other juices and still be contempt, switching from orange to apple doesn't seem to be a big deal. but whats his equivalent for weed? that's like saying "nah nah nah i don't like you smoking weed can you please compromise and smoke spice for the good of our relationship"

  8. I have to admit that I once felt the same way as Greg about marijuana…when I was 15/16. Even before I started smoking I had changed my mind about it around 18 when I realized how beneficial it can be. Greg needs to get his head out of his ass

  9. You said everything I thought while watching his video except for one thing – his riding a certain brand of bike/drinking a certain brand of juice analogy is bullshit. In those analogies, say he doesn't like you drinking Tropicana juice, you can still drink store brand, or Copella, or Juice Burst etc. Say he doesn't like you riding Yamaha bikes, there's still Kawasaki, or Harley Davidson, or Ducati etc. With weed, that's not a brand, that's the entire thing. It's more like he's saying 'I don't want you to ride bikes AT ALL. I don't want you to drink juice AT ALL.' It leaves you no options except to leave and say 'Fuck that, I'll do what makes ME happy!' or to lie and say you won't when really you will. It's bullshit.

  10. Btw Onision can suck it about you being "ugly" he's an ugly person cuz of how he treats people! You're beautiful inside and out from what I can see keep up the videos man love your channel

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