ONISION VS BILLIE DAWN WEBB It's Over, I Give Up, Bye. You Lied Again, You Committed A Crime Again

So this is my response to Onision’s « It’s Over, I Give Up, Bye. » However, he’s changed the title to « (1) You Lied Again (2) You …

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31 Commentaires

  1. I'm guessing you've never been to the U.S. Back in the day, before it was largely legalized, cops very much cared if you had it in your possession for ANY reason, even on New Year. Over here, you don't get a pass because it's a specific time of the year. If you are in possession of an illegal substance and you are caught with it, you will be arrested for it. And the company you keep might be implicated, as well, depending on the circumstances. If you ever watch the American show "Cops", that's what most of the arrests are related to…..weed. So, while the UK may be more relaxed about it, we were not. We're coming around…..some states are legal, others you need a medical card to smoke it, but we're getting there. Point is, it WAS an arrest- able offense and still could be, if you have super large amounts of it. Child predators get less jail time than weed dealers, let's put it that way. Yup, the U.S. CARES about weed!

  2. I just think its funny lol Greg is so up in arms about the legality of billie's actions at the time while his partner at the same time was doing what? In the same house as him lol. Like her doing weed is unacceptable, break up with her worthy but kai doing what he was doing at the time is ok and all hunky dory

  3. She made the perfect decision!!!!! Weed is a lot better than being with his sorry ass! Weed is legal is so many states because it’s not a bad drug!!!!!! It’s not like crack or meth…: and he wants to talk about people committed crimes??!! What about what he has done???

  4. Is just gross that I live fucking right next to Seattle I have a 16-year-old almost daughter who still 15 beautiful by the way. And I am 35 the sex offender predator is one year younger than me born in 1985 I was born in 1984 and I do not find 18-year-old attractive like I can see other kids cute but more for my daughter when she’s an adult or she can date him but for him to be attracted to young people is just gross you know I look at all of them as you could be my kid bro. I will date would be 28 an eight year window but 21 to 18 does not Appeal to me it’s just gross and knowing that him and his wife now husband are still doing this in my state and I just found out this year that these fuckers live next to me it’s unsettling. I really feel for the young girl that calls her dad daddy the way he treats women and he has a young little girl I am worried about when his daughter is 15 and she starts bringing over young girls for sleepovers are the parents going to try to get with them? It’s a little unsettling to know that these fuckers live so close to me

  5. You need to calm down turn it down a little buddy. And just remember using it was clips you can have your video taken down like he’s doing everybody else doing a story on it. Just saying

  6. How stupid he sounds wish they would just hurry up arrest his nasty ass and be done his husband wife should go to or mental facility and I watched one of his videos and he did say stay away from her family and he did it to the other girls also thank you for having Billie back in this good on you bro can't wait for him to go down

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