31 Commentaires

  1. Today my doctor gave me a private prescription for weed for the first time. The Strains are penelope and Great Bear. I am currently watching your video and am already looking forward to my first delivery next week ❤️ Nice Review and Greetings from Germany!

  2. Will this help with adhd anxiety and the fact last month I smoked some alien kush sopposedly of a so called freind I’ll just say his nickname which is dash and he said that it was called alien kush but then I took about 6 drags and all of a sudden felt this rush of peer I couldn’t handle from this weed and then I ended up going up to my flat feeling really cold from the weather and overwhelming sense of fear from the strength and went up stairs was colder went in shower and everything was spinning man it felt awful. The strain before that was blue dream I think which was a dizzy feeling too but as intense but less gradual.!!!!

  3. Just picked up a gram of this stuff. I’m very THC sensitive that even Harmonic made me feel uncomfortable 😂😂 But figured I should give this a try since it’s not a pure sativa that won’t get me that racing head high

  4. I've bought this strain in oil softgels and I really enjoyed it. They have it often here in the Ottawa stores. I will have to try the flower. You make it sound really good. thanks for the review Bud!

  5. i don't like tweed at all . but i do like the PENELOPE though . i find this stuff good for if you have to go out somewhere that you don't want to be fried . it will make you talkative . you won't be able to shut up .

  6. I have some Penelope – vapes nicely for flavour around 390 in my opinion DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT have a three pack of Hagen Daas salted caramel ice cream bars in the freezer with this strain.

  7. Well I find a joint slightly smaller than a "regular" cigarette with a proper tip is perfect & with a potent >17% THC flower you can snuff that stogie out ½ way leaving a very nice "8 legged" roach for later

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