33 Commentaires

  1. Hello! I’m contacting you hopes that you will see this comments and you’ve seen my others before! I loved all your advice you can give, my furr baby Frankie he’s my 5 year old year Chokie , is currently running a fever, I need help to know what to do? His ears are very hot and he’s been very hot quite frequently, I read that can also be a cause of infection? Please help me!!! He has already vomited twice this week, ):

  2. Oh so sad! I'm so sorry for you pet parents.
    When we got our Golden almost 14 years ago there was a dog food that killed a lot of dogs .Our dog was 7 months old. That's when I started researching feeding " RAW". We just lost her 4 days ago but she lived a good long life by feeding her raw & the last 2 1/2. Years with CBD. The last 1 1/2 years on Canine Support Formula which has CBDA in it for pain.
    I love watching your videos. Even tho our girl is gone I still will watch.

  3. I am assuming why this ingredient is in our pet's food is cost. I feel like this should be banned from being in our pet's food. I struggle with what the best food to buy for both my cat and dog, yet affordable for me too. For, these days I live one paycheck away from losing all. My vet said never give table food which I agree. However, the right organic ingredients one can make up something pets will like. Plus, one can feel good to feed his or her pet. Thank yand ou for all you do for animals, and your channel.

  4. Glad I don't give my dog (a Doberman) any processed foods. She get real meat….1lb of 80-93% chop meat, real turkey and chicken. Abby even gets fish for her protein. I add carrots, sweet potato and sometimes cheese for added protein and fat. Dogs for hundreds of years didn't eat processed dog kibble. Last hundred years dog kibble was introduced. And since then, we seen dogs develop cancer(s), liver disease, gastro issues.

    My dog is NOT a pet to me. Abby the Doberman is a family member. She just had her annual exam..which I always do blood work, looking at the thyroid. Dobie's can have thyroid problems. Pay attention to DCM too. Not everyone can afford to do things the manner I do it with our dog. However, nutrients are the key to an animals well being and living a long healthy life.

  5. Thank you for this info dr jones.
    You've mentioned about milk thistle and dandelion supplement for liver function. I was planning to start giving those to my boy but was unsure if it will have certain contents that will affect his cystine stones from forming again. I found out that turmeric cannot be given to him as it has a certain ingredient (i forgot the name) that can increase the chances of cystine stone forming again. S-ame also has methionine which is not good for cystinuria. Do you think milk thistle and dandelion will be ok for him? He has gallbladder sludge and currently on Ursodiol. Your input will greatly be appreciated as i always turn to your videos for advise

  6. Hey Doc, recently my friends dog have been exhibiting difficulty urinating. 2 days have passed and the puppy isnt still urinating, the puppy also cries when he tries to urinate. The puppy also can't stand or sit, there were also cysts near around the puppys genitals. My friend also stated that after her mom fed the puppy dog food, the puppy started having difficulty peeing. And the fact that dog foods can be toxic is seriously frightening. Her family is on their way to visit the vet, though I'm just wondering if the puppy could have gotten UTI or something else?

  7. Pet Parents! If your dog has any symptoms to what Dr. Andy gives, STOP THE FOOD IMMEDIATELY, CALL THE VET, get blood work done. Start an elimination diet, try feeding something else. I’m currently doing home made food and eliminated my cat vomiting. Some manufacturers will take the info., and some will deny there is a problem. You have to become a food scientist investigator to what’s going on. FDA.GOV for pet food recalls. We are all in this pet food boat together. Manufacturing needs to be held accountable.

  8. My dog is 15 years old & suffering from Cushings disease, arthritis , heart murmur, & ear infection related to the Cushings. I’ve been crying for weeks trying to find a decent vet in Beverly Hills., eeeeeeh. What I found was a bunch of con artists…..

  9. Where's the list? I'm feeding around 35-40 cats…can't afford a veteriny…
    I never heard of Sport Mix.
    Thank you, anybody! God bless us all in these trying times. Shalom! 💜

  10. I'm curious, my vet told me to use kibbles as treats when I train or want to give snacks for my dog – which non-toxic ready store bought healthy dog's treats can I get? I'm overwhelmed with so many conflicting products.

  11. I think it is so sad that we cannot trust in what we purchase to feed our animals. Dog food is expensive. And this isn't the first time. It's all too common. Read the FDA list of how many recalls on dog food, there has been over the past 3 to 5 years. Even the most expensive ones.. Its totally avoidable, if we would only test more. Just hate the thought of what I'm feeding my baby mastiff, might kill him. Its so appalling. Thank you for putting out this video and to bring awareness to the pet community. We love our animals ❤

  12. Until the companies are held personally responsible and individually charged with criminal and civil legal animal/abuse/cruelty this abuse for profit will continue to occur! The only way to keep greedy people on check is by having prosecution consequences to make them think twice before they cut corners for profit at the expense of animals lives.

  13. I just lost my 13 yr old cat. The vet said they had only seen 3 cases of what they said she had. And it didn’t end well. I suspect she was a victim of this! The pet food was expensive, but did not see it here on the list. Heartbroken doesn’t come close to describing. Thank you!

  14. I lost my 7 year old female Black Labrador to aflatoxin in December 2005. Interesting thing was the dog food was supposedly corn free. 2 vets could not figure out what was wrong. In the end I had a $3,500 vet bill and box of ash. She still sleeps next to me.

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