Been asked to make a video where I rate my subscribers flower for a long time! Today I decided to do just that, but with a little twist … Check on YouTube
Yh I no let's put the name pewdiepie in the title of the vid and maybe it will get a shit load of view as he's the biggest YouTuber in the world but obviously it didn't work in this case lol oh well I have a better idea skin up and blaze dude and pass the doobie to the left hand side
You look like you live in an asylum , oh wait you are crazy
I clicked on this thinking “oh I’ve bet he’s at least tried weed before” and it’s an entire conspiracy theory on if he does
Conspiracy on weed while on 3 bars of Xanax and cocaine
bro u on acid?
So?!! What's the big deal if he smokes huh? You look like a homeless dude who stole someone's camera and now you're recording a video…you creep !!
Imagine the fucking smell
I personally don't think that Pewds smokes weed but even if he did it shouldn't matter to you. Floor gang 4 life
Boi, shut the fuck up you crack head
Man is on crack bruh
"He played boring games for 12 y/os" yeah i mean… thats why he has fcking 100 million fcking subs kid
i think he does as well, just by things he says. but i think it may be more socially.
you high asffff
nah i think your the one who is on weed and is high
You’re insane
your room looks like your in a shack i had more fun looking at the high drawings then listening to you
Utter shit…
he was smocking out a pipe once and said he was smocking herb
Anyone else thought he was a girl before he started talking?
Yh I no let's put the name pewdiepie in the title of the vid and maybe it will get a shit load of view as he's the biggest YouTuber in the world but obviously it didn't work in this case lol oh well I have a better idea skin up and blaze dude and pass the doobie to the left hand side
ur a fockin idiot
I can smell this room, Ive walked into too many dealers rooms that look exactly like this to not know.
is that ur bedroom or a crack den hahahah
Pewdiepie smokes weed? But you look like a meth addict
Don't forget he drinks a lot
Mate what are you 😂
Who the foukhh is that ? Shampoo please, i can buy it for you too!
By God your right oh BTW combs are like 1.00 fir the love of jesus
You've either had a high dose of caffeine, or a low dose of cocaine
You’re right
Thats fucking bullshit
Man, don't know if you saw this, but he has a video called Smoking Da Bud!. he's clearly a smoker. lol
This is hilarious how come I haven’t seen this video before😂😂
I just got a weed add on your video !!!
wash your hair first
better not be clickbaite
What a low life…
damn this is fun to watch,..hahahahaha. Keep it going buddy.
wash your hair, eat an orange, put down the needles