40 Commentaires

  1. Great video bro! You guys are too funny & the weird questions are brilliant! I subbed & Liked! I met you at SitC and gave you my card when we was talking, have you ever considered challenges?

  2. wow, you went from scene (looking) to stoner in a week. (talking about a little while back) Also, like the facial hair, it gives you that special stoner look XP

  3. ahh you only follow people on twitter and it's the one social network i don't haaveeee haha. 

    first dates are always weird. I've had a few (especially in cinemas) where they'be wanted WAY more that one should want to offer in such a public place watching such a shitty movie.. or there's the one of my ex who told em about his trip to a&e where he got out of the bath to change a light bulb (naked), with wet feet slipped on the table and "fell" on a wine bottle.. yes.. that's a perfectly reasonable excuse to have a lube'd up wine bottle up your.. well, you get it.

    then again… i dated a fish once.

    Watching these videos it's so hard to believe you're a year younger than me and are actually following your dreams where i'm not.. it's great to see but wow.

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