21 Commentaires

  1. I've been enjoying mine.. I scooped it up at the pop up at the front st gallery in philly.. I think everyone who I've let try it digs it more than the peak pro as far as it's not as intimidating.

  2. I just wish it wasn’t made of glass… your going to be holding it to your face so it will definitely break if it hits hard ground, from like a accidental slip or something.

  3. I would have liked to see the result from the heavy hit on the inside of the pipe bowl. Kinda a long story that is not required, but my brother treats his child like a delicate snowflake. He has gotten to the point where he will let me smoke cigs out on the porch with the ashtray around for my niece to see. I think a dab rig like this pipe would be acceptable to him for my soon to be 8 year old niece to see, unlike with the glass dab rig with banger and torch I use regularly. I do have a medical recommendation and my brother does use edibles for his back, so I can see explaining it to her, especially the THC vapor vs cig smoke difference.

  4. Good review m8 tuning in from the uk thinking on getting one of these for my cbd dabs, whats ur ideas of cbd flower hash and dabs u should do some reviews on them be a nice watch as ur a chill guy 💯

  5. I like and share every video you post bubba, even if I didnt enjoy it immensely ( which I do 99 % of the time) cos, frankly, I love to see young people be successfull doing what they love, if I can help that dream along, even in so minor a way then its my duty to do so as part of the generation that made this world so fucked up for yours. Thanks for being you, young Man.

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