41 Commentaires

  1. I remember reading about a study which had 4 control groups, 1 group trained with steroids, 1 trained without steroids, 1 group didn't do any training but were on steroids and the last group didn't train or didn't take any steroids. The people who took steroids and didn't train gained more muscle mass than the naturals who trained. It's probably insanely hard to give up steroids once you see the gains you can make in a short amount of time.

  2. This is an incredible video. Mens body dysmorphia is not talked enough about. All ive ever heard growing up is how social media creates unrealistic body ideals for girls but I never heard that men also can feel bad about their bodies.

  3. I’ve been in medicine for awhile… once had a bodybuilder who tore his quads… they just rolled up his leg into a giant meatball looking thing in his groin…. It looked so painful and I heard later he was in hospital for awhile and he went through horrible withdrawals from the stuff he was on… to this day i don’t know what happened to him but I hope he’s okay

  4. Sorry but Grant has no business abusing gear and looking like he currently does.
    His size is achievable naturally without the PED use. It just takes good understanding of nutrition and training. And being patient as it takes TIME.
    Sad that he has almost caused irreversible damage.

  5. Young men should never take testosterone or synthetic steroids but testosterone replacement therapy for men over 40 is life changing and makes middle age so much more enjoyable.

  6. What's sad, is Tom's physique is attainable with 3-5 years of solid training and diet. You won't be a Mr. Olympia without it, but that's not that crazy of a physique if you have been in the fitness space for a bit.

  7. "Why did you livestream your gyno surgery?!"
    For the views man. For the views.
    The whole reliance of steroids hinges on male insecurity and the need for external validation. An absurd livestream gets eyeballs. If he really cared about the health impacts and the example he sets for other young men, he would stop taking them.

  8. John is a good man. I've had a few dealers like him in my day, people that care. One became my best friend, (rip Steve) it meant a lot to me to see someone actually care about the addict they're supplying. You don't have to, you can make more money not caring but it shows real strength of character. You're still a drug dealer but in my experience they're usually supporting their own habit

  9. I blame Social Media, no one wants to put in the hard work Yes I said it HARD WORK to achieve their fitness goals. Lets stop kidding our selves that PEDS literally are a night and day difference when it comes to performance and physique. Everyone wants to claim they have elite level gentics prior to them using gear when in reality many of these influencers are just a hyper responder to certain analobics and gear amount.

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