The Industrialization of Cannabis? Poetry of Plants (Part 1) This is part 1 of the interview with Nelson from Poetry of Plants. Part 2 … Check on YouTube
That's the life you got there man. I live in Scotland so weed is hard to get, pretty much have to grow your own to get real bomb stuff but I hope to move out there one day. I also have a beagle named Snoopy but he don't behave as well as Copper though lol.
I live on Long Island, the most populated area of New York other than the city lol, there are very few scenic places like this where no one is around you, openly smoking weed in public is actually a challenge, can't wait to move out to Santa Cruz
So you're saying if we stopped, weed would be legalized? That's brilliant, okay we dont do it anymore. Hold on, wait… Wtf weed still isnt legal, i guess your theory was bullshit ay?
man the good old days lol
13 hit different
That place is a burn now
That's the life you got there man. I live in Scotland so weed is hard to get, pretty much have to grow your own to get real bomb stuff but I hope to move out there one day. I also have a beagle named Snoopy but he don't behave as well as Copper though lol.
>pretty hot outside
>85 degrees
simi valley born and raised, fuck this place
fffffffffatass dog
I live on Long Island, the most populated area of New York other than the city lol, there are very few scenic places like this where no one is around you, openly smoking weed in public is actually a challenge, can't wait to move out to Santa Cruz
mad respect man. thanks for the great POV's and the breathtaking views in california man
I had a beagle named copper. Thats fuckin wierd
What kind of glass do you have here?
My favorite video for sure, love the scenery and music
Holy fuck, it works!! I should be famous or something.
Wait when did you stop exactly?!?! Weed just became legal in 2 states!!!!
I'm from Simi. Never knew you guys lived so close.
Sounds like you and your friends are into auto erotic-asphyxiation.
So you're saying if we stopped, weed would be legalized? That's brilliant, okay we dont do it anymore. Hold on, wait… Wtf weed still isnt legal, i guess your theory was bullshit ay?
You and your friends are the reason weed is illegal.
Self strangulation to get high? Smart.
Girlfriend holds and videotapes while you smoke weed chillin with your dog and talkin about random shit. you marry that woman….