29 Commentaires

  1. Man… 141k viewers and not even 2.5k people watching. You know you fucked your YT channel when. Shitty to see all this outsourced material. I bet 95% of people subbed cause you and dans reviews. Now theres a buncha random dudes posting up vids for ya'll

  2. Life in Co Springs can be rough if your not a bible banging war hawk. Town of thousands of churches and several military bases, right?

    It's just insanity that a closet can smell like weed and that's enough to get kicked out, but if it reeks of booze you're cool!

  3. if your landlord smoked pot …things would be in total harmony…maybe when you get your new place ask your landlord there to come over and offer to smoke him out and get him on your side to start with

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