49 Commentaires

  1. Haven’t watched you all year! I had to come and see how my friend’s doing. I started watching you when you lived with your dad and boy have we grown. The joy i feel for you man. You’re so happy and far in life. Bless your soul

  2. Bro I remember them videos you would smoke in the car in the ild house before all the tattoos fam you came up like a mf no cap love to see you on yo grind keep up the good work cuz💯💪🏽

  3. Bentley Blaze is that your gay boyfriend that is holding the camera and recording you while you are smoking weeds. Bentley Blaze is this your gay boyfriend that you are going to married to

  4. Hey guys to be on the safe side put a towel down at your front door roll it up to keep the smell from getting out so nosey neighbors won’t complain about the smell also invest in a couple air purifiers 1 in your room 1 in the living room area just to be safe so u guys can get stoned in peace ya know, these are the things I do in my apartment, I’ve gotta say Seattle Denver and Portland are the best cities for stoners nice place I love the Kitchen btw I would totally put plants along the top beams over the kitchen 🤘🏼

  5. How do people not get bored with being high literally all the time, all day everyday? For me, 1-2 weeks of being high every day is the limit before I start craving sobriety.

  6. Much love Matthew from the 479 we got 5 medical dispensaries in NWA as of 2022 had my card since 2019 hopefully recreational passes the Arkansas ballot this November peace brother! 🔥🌲💨☮️💯❤️

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