Sorry for your loss, just finding out. He will always be my favorite performer in the Moet video. And you, Snoop, look just like him. When you see him, that's you in a few years!
Great song. It actually reminds me of the people that passed in my family. And just reminds me of just the good times I had with them. Example my grandmother Lolly. She died when I was only a kid. Nicest women in the world an angel. She was the best cook ever. She would make nothing but homemade foods.
Neva met Uncle June Bug but had back stage passes @ a Snoop Dogg concert in Arizona (Mid 2gs) an got a chance to see Uncle June Bugg up close…Maaaan he was smiln, dancn an havn a GREAT TIME…Snoop & Daz will be BLESSED for what they did for him…After the show when the females was being choosen to head backstage, Uncle June Bugg crackd me up when he looked @ Snoops other Unc (The singer) and said, "wait, we aint go get no sistas"
We will see him again soon with a hell of a swing. I have been your nephew for a long time since France what say you have a fantastic nephew . The past remains in the past today there remains an artist who marks our generation. I hope one day meet him and you in paradise to dance. you can bé proud
Much respect Rip June Bug…Htown
It's beautiful you have a tribute made to some one you love God bless you we all love you mr snoop doggie dog from your musicians mom queen Ms freda
I wish I could half his aura..O.G. was a kind soul old-school REAL..r.i.p. unk
Damn Uncle Snoop made me
Long Live Uncle JB
I cryed
no i did not expect to cry to this
Sorry for your loss, just finding out. He will always be my favorite performer in the Moet video. And you, Snoop, look just like him. When you see him, that's you in a few years!
I new uncle June bug before he got known he use to be a janitor in south gate high school in the mid 90s
I miss uncle June bug!
RIP uncle Junebug. So sorry for loss
.thank for sharing.
Great Tribute to Uncle June Bug. RIP
I remember him dancing on stage when you were promoting paid the cost to be the boss r.i.p uncle junebug
And now in 2021 June Bug is a dance
is there realy people giving this the thumbs down ??? damn, what´s wrong with y´all ?!
Rip uncle June bug
Ps R.I.P June Bug.
Great song. It actually reminds me of the people that passed in my family. And just reminds me of just the good times I had with them. Example my grandmother Lolly. She died when I was only a kid. Nicest women in the world an angel. She was the best cook ever. She would make nothing but homemade foods.
MOment Of Silence For UNCLE JUNEBUG!
I met him in 2003 in Winnipeg Manitoba back stage snoops concert
Uncle June i miss u so much
I can feel the love.RIP Big Uncle June Bugg.i remember u gettin' ya groove on alwayz

! "musik doc" P Az
Rip Uncle June Bug
aint coming from d block europe kitchen kings..
King up in the kitchen I don’t need no apron
R..I.P UNCLE JUNE and yes meet him in you snoop in colorado springs in 2001 down town from your men A-yo from ghost town
Rip uncle
im miss that man. he still here snoop. i do ghost communication
Daz Underrated
I didn't know you,but rest in peace!
love you uncle June Bug, rest in paradise from Macon Georgia!
Neva met Uncle June Bug but had back stage passes @ a Snoop Dogg concert in Arizona (Mid 2gs) an got a chance to see Uncle June Bugg up close…Maaaan he was smiln, dancn an havn a GREAT TIME…Snoop & Daz will be BLESSED for what they did for him…After the show when the females was being choosen to head backstage, Uncle June Bugg crackd me up when he looked @ Snoops other Unc (The singer) and said, "wait, we aint go get no sistas"

Rest in Peace Uncle June Bug
That is the coolest. Much respect
We will see him again soon with a hell of a swing. I have been your nephew for a long time since France what say you have a fantastic nephew . The past remains in the past today there remains an artist who marks our generation. I hope one day meet him and you in paradise to dance. you can bé proud
He lived the life of a rock star…
Forever in our hearts ♥️
Most respect RIP LBJ
Memory eternal, June Bugg.
Miss you Uncle June Bugg in Heaven.
I got a best weed in the world try to visit Manipur india
#where is the ruller
im low self ma
Uncle JB much luv from the 313
You ugly
Gone n forgotten forever