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Torch world & gumdropz
albainians have fd our green
Gelato j in mile end got good ones
I kept telling people about sprayed weed in 2012 on east coast mfers thought I was making shit up but I new damn well that shit was sprayed
China's doing all this…
This is why I’ve never trusted the fancy packs. Give me the see-through shit.
Half the star dawg is sprayed in Falkirk scotland bro , even the durbin poison in Falkirk is sprayed , sprayed weed tastes like shit and the ash is all sticky and black as f*CK bro
Too much sprayed bud that we all don’t know properly about… stay safe and stay high ❤
Glad i am from Colorado paying 1000$ a Lb for fire meds with my EPC cars ❤
Why's this guy so mad? lmao
Listen up people – here to join Drew in this message.
If you get sprayed stuff, take it back, be honest but polite (depending on how well you know your plug lol) and tell them the best thing they can do for their customers health is send it all back to the people they got it from.
This is a serious public health matter now, Silicosis is no joke and most UK sprayed weed is coated with that stuff. If your 7g looks like a 3.5 but it's not damp? TAKE IT BACK
If you grind up a single J's worth and your grinder is covered in "kief" TAKE IT BACK. That is not kief, we all know it takes a good couple oz to get to that level of dust!
Don't play with your health guys, this shit holds back legalisation because if you think about it the Ignorant government is going to say in 10 years when people start dying "see! Cannabis causes silicosis" because they won't bother to do the research.
I implore every single one of you fight the grit weed. It's imperative to your health and well being❤
If anyone needs anymore tips or if you wanna reach out just respond here and I'll give what knowledge I have, I'm nearly 38 so I was there when this stuff first showed up around 2006-2007 – I know exactly what to look out for so please don't hesitate to ask me ❤
Wtf y'all doing spraying shit on your weed?? That shit don't need help, it work just find by its self an it taste fine, not like your Gunnar care once your flying high
State flower is the best brand im done here
Bruh I'm not buying anything that isn't deli style, if I can't touch it or smell it I'm out.
Space monkey meds
It's like juice J flavour drops all over again😢
Don’t buy hemplitude pens 😂
Show a local bag to the viewers so they know what to look for
What do you think about muhas
Torch world
Seeing sprayed weed in Texas with spice and fent
I'm from California and have been a med patient since the early 2000s and have never heard of any of those thankfully. Only flavored botanical terps i see are in a shit ton of cart and pod companies.
Or just stop smoking dispo weed and find a real plug that cares about its smokers. Bunch of idiots
600 a lb? Where they do that at 😂
I just got a bit of absolutely perfect buds that smell potent of mimosa but it tastes absolutely nothing like mimosa I was disappointed then I smoked it and was blown away
You say "sprayed"… with what exactly? Chemical compound or be quiet green pub3s😊
even regular cannatique is sprayed shit taste way to artificial
Imma smoke my sprinks idc
Sprayed weed existed for years…
In NYC that Sprikles, Marshmallow, Gumdrops are selling out. Shit making me want to quit.
Ngl I like that artificially flavored crap whether it's weed or soda I like da fake shit
Mfs pay 60:70 for sprinkles 🤣
Centuries fighting for weed legalization just to get strawberry flavored bud ☠️
You should be arrested for doing this
Any person with common sense will tell you that natural bud will never smell like cotton candy, skittles etc etc
I had them cannatique ones thought they smelt and tasted a bit off
Pretty sure a lot of those uk mega z packs are sprayed to the moon
this is why I just buy some good old OG Kush in a plain bag. fuck all that fruity smelling weed in colorfoul bags
MUNCHIEZ (ngl it smoked great but this is what I heard) MARSHMALLOW, TORCHIEZ, DELICIOUS
as long as they spray just some terps….
miles better then sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids
Is GOO’D brand sprayed
I work at dispo in California Sacramento. Get yourself Dark Web by Alien Labs or FKAFL by Maven, Both of those brands are real top shelf. Love your channel and watch all the time
How does it taste after being sprayed?
R they high in potency?