The start to today’s long list of live streams!! We want to provide you guys with as much entertainment as possible today, so this is … Check on YouTube
hey if you're a big coffee fan, you should check out my dads coffee buisness. Jen II coffee co. He roasts his own beans upon order for the best tasting coffee. it would be amazing to supply you with our product
I just wanna say that your videos are awesome. 😃 and are so good at your videos and you always keep me company when I wanna just smoke an chill… you cool and chill to snoke with with. 👌👊 I just hope you get this 😈 stay positive! 💪
Happy B-Day i know i'm late but i hope u had a great day! love your videos man keep it up would love if u replied to this comment kinda would make my day xd Peace!
Your channel is an inspiration for all the other stoner channels out there! The positivity and great energy you spread is intoxicating. Seriously bro, you inspire me. Cheers from another weedtuber!
where did that hemp wick holder come from? i want one like it
"Guess who forgot to record the wall :P"
3:15 XDD
ashley rocks
Do you even get high anymore
Why don't you read the letters?
hey if you're a big coffee fan, you should check out my dads coffee buisness. Jen II coffee co. He roasts his own beans upon order for the best tasting coffee. it would be amazing to supply you with our product
i need stickers
that ctfxc shirt tho
I'm so glad that you liked my high pineapple drawing lol :D. It's been a pleasure doing it for you :). Keep it up !
Am I the only one waiting for him get a giant 3 ft dildo
No straincentral don't use the white litter
Most of the hand writing is 12 yr olds lol. I like how the majority of his viewers are like 13
That's Chuckie in the drawing.
you should have used your pineapple carb cap for that goodbye dab
Teasing us like that… lol
can you show us your entire wall of paintings….? you get
I just wanna say that your videos are awesome. 😃 and are so good at your videos and you always keep me company when I wanna just smoke an chill… you cool and chill to snoke with with. 👌👊 I just hope you get this 😈 stay positive! 💪
don't strain yourself lol
Putting together a care package as we speak. I figure I have enjoyed your videos for this long so it's gunna be a good one 👌
stoners love tape: )
your the best josh your so organized
Saludos desde Guatemala, excelente canal! Lo veo a menudo.
Do a smoke room tour
do a video about the tattoo
does anyone know his Snapchat?
please support my dream it will be epic weed gift cards food and music lets make it happen
Happy B-Day i know i'm late but i hope u had a great day! love your videos man keep it up would love if u replied to this comment kinda would make my day xd Peace!
im starting out anybody know a good starter pack video
Is it legal to smoke and drive (like how drinking and driving is illegal) in a state that marijuana is legal in?
Love the style of your videos.. my smoking videos are similar I feel
hell yeah jersey! Josh it's a Nj Dabbers sticker on that lighter look them up on instagram!
No lighters ? What happend to the life time supply of lighters you had :p!
No lighters ? What happend to the life time supply of lighters you had :p!
you have a huge lighter collection and you dont have a lighter to light your hemp wick ? makes no sense.. lol
Your hair is getting brighter isnt it?
Btw keep up the good work!
What happened to 707killa??
its was chucky not tommy in the rugrats picture and you always use the phrase if i do say so my self in the wrong context all the time
best youtuber at the moment
Hahaha the Fiji box killed me
josh you are the man thanks for keeping your content real
josh, thank you for always including some sort of motivational words at the end of your videos, peace guys
Your channel is an inspiration for all the other stoner channels out there! The positivity and great energy you spread is intoxicating. Seriously bro, you inspire me. Cheers from another weedtuber!
bruh the whole canada fam watches you i guess now too 😉
where has this guy been
"Everyone I smoke the pots"oh god this cracked me up😂