36 Commentaires

  1. it'd be pretty cool if you had one of the homies in your studio smoking with you. not talking, maybe just being there nodding, agreeing with you, hitting it too. or if he/she just came in to try it real quick then dipped.

  2. that saying on how breaking it up with your hands takes more trichomes off is completely ridiculous. grinders obviously strip away way more thrichomes and on top of that, it leaves behind a whole lot of flavonoids in your grinder so every time your trying a new strain you won't get its true taste and profile you'll just get a mash up of every weed you got

  3. My man, hit me with a new strain review main! You get a new strain passed this month or nah? Looking forward to a new video to puff on. p.s. i was @ the eminem concert in 04' @ the Arena in Amsterdam, never forget the big ass joint you blazed @ the stage haha. Fan of Cypress since 2000 man, much love from Holland.

  4. love the show, but you were off on a few technical things.
    1.)its not a different strain, but its a different pheno of the same strain.

    2.)Also, wifi = (the white x fire og)

    I know the Wifi well , dabbin it now,  peace from the chi

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