21 Commentaires

  1. You know what? GOOD. Josh and SC walked so the current cannabis community could run. I am glad he’s taking a bit of a backseat ride to it more than driving at full speed. Good for you dude!

  2. josh i haven't seen anything from you in like 3 years and you popped up on my recommendations. you look great and so much healthier! you glow so much brighter now! dude i'm so happy for you sobriety as well! i quit weed as well and am now using cbd only and i have no regrets

  3. Josh wow your back. I'm so excited. I went to go watch a video and you were just gone. It was a depressing day. I'm glad you are okay and are continuing to live life well. Congratulations on getting sober.

  4. Man, you couldn't be more right about growing up together. I've watched you since I was 17 and am now the ripe age of 22. I couldn't help but laugh when you said that. Love to see that you're back brother.

    thank you so much for the love and kindness over the years, even if we missed 2.

    Much love.

  5. I think its awesome that you quit weed. I would take breaks every now and then but now i just allowed myself to consume whenever. But its inspiring to hear that youve stuck with it when you had a whole channel dedicated to it. I was confused when i wasnt getting notifications about your channel anymore. I couldve sworn you were “back” a year or 2 ago but now it seems youre really back. Welcome back! Im likely gonna watch old vids cause i had the habit of smoking along with you while watching those videos and you just seem very outgoing and positive. Anyway, again, welcome back and i hope to view more of your content, Josh.

  6. Yeeees your back glad your well and getting in a good mind set well “trying” as we all haha but dude I’ve been subscribed since I was in high school I’m 20 now but I’ve missed your videos just for the energy you bring, always positive, definitely will stay subscribed so sorry for all the BS YouTube’s put you through it’s so rigged even tho other channels get away with so much more offensive content then reviewing weed, just sorry you got cheated on that but hey big congrats great to see you again!!

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