Strangers try blinker pt 5 décembre 23, 2022 admin CBD News 50 SUBSCRIBE AND ENJOY THE VIDEO !! Check on YouTube MrTHC
CBD News THE WORLDS BEST VAPE BATTERY #shorts novembre 24, 2022 admin CBD News 24 worldrecord #plugplay #vape. Check on YouTube
CBD News I Think I Found The Best Cart.. janvier 23, 2024 admin CBD News 46 whats goood family , I GOT SUCH GOOD BANGERS OTW FOR YALL this time around , I’m excited to get this week started for yall … Check on YouTube
Sauce bars are 🔥 have them in Michigan I don’t usually smoke the distillates. Hash rosin disposable are taking over that’s what normal be on but these bars are next level. And there 30.00 or 4/100.00 at majority of depos Répondre
I’ve been waiting to see you in my city LA. Trying to let you have a gas joint from one of the flavors I love. Répondre
thc you the man bro. been watching you since like 9th grade and you always great vibes 🔥 come to michigan Répondre
I know I always ask about you coming to TX but I really wish you could come down here to bless us😭😭 I would take a blinker for you 1st try Répondre
thats rightt blinkers !dope vid tho G those sauce bars smack!✈🔥u should do some content in SoCal!SD Répondre
IG @SauceEssentials
Come to Chicago mr. THC!!
That’s hella dope
That last guy at the end that was one of my homies 😅😅
🔥 come down to San Jose _mrthc
Sauce bars are 🔥 have them in Michigan I don’t usually smoke the distillates. Hash rosin disposable are taking over that’s what normal be on but these bars are next level. And there 30.00 or 4/100.00 at majority of depos
I say u come down to Washington tri cities and try our pack down here
I’ve been waiting to see you in my city LA. Trying to let you have a gas joint from one of the flavors I love.
is it bad to say I wana see people fail the blinkers. i get a kick out of it
Aye bru where da blk kats?
Much Love Mr.THC
U need to come to greenwood ave in montebello forsure
These motherfuckers impressed me with all those blinkers 😂😂😂
My shit always getting clogged 😒
But you should come to omaha ne
Señor THC De vuelta de nuevo con un poco de fuego
Everyone lit 🙌🏼
Richmond 🙌🏽
I need a sauce pen asap looks 🔥
Pull up to Albuquerque cuh
Bro u should come to Monett Missouri bro there’s a bunch of potheads no cap
Orlando next?!!
my nigga mr thc slde to tucson az it be littt🔥🔥🔥
seattle and corvallis oregon
thc you the man bro. been watching you since like 9th grade and you always great vibes 🔥 come to michigan
I know I always ask about you coming to TX but I really wish you could come down here to bless us😭😭 I would take a blinker for you 1st try
please never stop this series 😂 i will be watching on S5 E7 😂😂
that one dude like 💅🏼
Back with banger 🔥2023 about to crazy
Mad cool you linked with homie from workaholics, respect!
Can we get a 2500 dollar dispo run
big 600k dawgggg
w 600k
Come to porterville CA
Wat happen to all the banger mane😢 u been lacking lately
1000th like!!!!
I thought you moved to LA bro why you always in the bay
Babytron went crazy @ 3:00 😂
Where is Mommy thc all I see is Daddy thc
Bruh I like when he say I got tha SAUCE
Appleton WI
4:27 BRUUUH HAHAH, you got her zoooooooted out
Yo THC come to the east coast Boston
Blessings everyone , stay safe & enjoy the Christmas ❤❤
🔥🔥🔥👏🏽love the vid
There ain’t no way I’m playing on gta v with u rn bro
Dope vid! do another of these! watching from Toronto,Can.
thats rightt blinkers !dope vid tho G those sauce bars smack!✈🔥
u should do some content in SoCal!SD
7:08 bro was already high af lmaoo
Nobody :
Literally nobody:
Mr.thc:🗣️I got the sauce I got the sauce