Strangers try KING PALMS for the FIRST time … **SHOCKING** juin 30, 2022 admin CBD News 35 LETS BREAK 500k SUBS!! I know yalll looooove these videos !! shout out King Palms ! Subscribe to my twitch … Check on YouTube MrTHC
CBD News Trying Lil Waynes exotic "MR CARTER OG" août 18, 2022 admin CBD News 40 exotic #lilwayne #trendingnow subscribe for more (: Check on YouTube
CBD News MY FAVORITE TYPE OF SUNSET PT 2 (CALI EDITION) juillet 1, 2022 admin CBD News 44 Since you guys seemed to have loved the last one so much!! Stay up to date with merch drops !! Check on YouTube
I hope to meet you someday and hopefully be in one of these videos I’ll be coming to Cali someday soon hopefully Répondre
Hi bro, I'm Brazilian and I follow all your videos, always smoking one, send a hello to the guys here in Brazil, we're together <3 Répondre
Did it bother anyone else they made it a competition to see who can take the fattest rip and watch them destroy a blunt in 6 rips😭😭😭 id be savoring a mr thc blunt Répondre
Guys we just broke 500,000 subscribers and I feel like crying 😢
"tasty, strong and shinny just like myself" bro got something to say
He talking bout put it in yo mouth 😝😂😂
I'm high asl shhhheeesh
12:31 lizzard was starin like "DAYUM"
ayo i’m from arkansas
I made a vlog bout one of dese too 😂😂
yessir phx foos popped out
Bro I’m fucking dead I’m from Arkansas🤣🤣
Foo at 5:23 lmao
I loved king palms I can’t wait 😛
Yo quiero motta chu!
They sell king palms at the shell gas station thanks to my Arabians
Meanwhile Arkansas actually have ⛽ cuz they 🔐 in wit Cali n The A
I hope to meet you someday and hopefully be in one of these videos I’ll be coming to Cali someday soon hopefully
Yo that first dude could’ve been a commercial 🤣
50$ pizza? Bro delete it before it gets to the New York niggas
Liked and subscribed playa
Dude just found your channel. It’s the shiznitt
Hi bro, I'm Brazilian and I follow all your videos, always smoking one, send a hello to the guys here in Brazil, we're together <3
That first guy was straight vibes 😂
King palms suck😹
“We gona make it worth it, put this in your mouth” 😂🤣
I'm from Arkansas I'm a big fan
Did it bother anyone else they made it a competition to see who can take the fattest rip and watch them destroy a blunt in 6 rips😭😭😭 id be savoring a mr thc blunt
Mane support you so much keep up the good work shiii im tryna get gased up
dont do drugs kids
You guys awesome
The smoke shop were I am has king plams
Bro i got my neck+collar bone and my calf done shit was blesss still