44 Commentaires

  1. Bro I’m 17 I smoked meth and shit bro and I was in my house flipping out so bad and I thought I was at the groshery store and I seen invisible ants it was crazy bro weird ass trip off the Tina and bro there were invisible cars but I stopped the meth and went to crack and XTC

  2. hey whats up Yola!!, ive been a fan of ur work for a while and im always glad to watch and listen what ya have to share or say. i was just wondering when u would be posting more story times, i always really enjoy them

  3. Yeah bro one time I was in Frisco walking around with my family, it was getting into that time into the night. This white ass dude, off something was in a wheelchair rolling around screaming the n word on the opposite side of the street. This black dude on my side of the street fucking yelled “YOU CANT SAY THAT CRACKER” and it’s one of my earliest memories of when I still lived down in NorCal lmao

  4. I was driving through town one day and i looked over while i was at the stoplight and this dude that was high off his skittle was walking along side a brick building…. The only thing holding him up while he was walking was his face on the brick building and the side of this mans face looked like he used a high powered grinder for a pillow and he wasnt even fazed by it! I gurantee he can easily play two-face in a future batman movie now.

  5. Hey Thomas. Whenever I'm having a shitty day I just watch your content bro and I feel so much better. Please never stop these stories! Would love to hang & smoke with you sometime. Def on my bucket list!

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