Brandon Jew of Mister Jiu’s in San Fransisco makes fried rice in his home kitchen. Using day-old rice is the key to getting the rice … Check on YouTube
I always thought manicotti was stuffed pasta tubes, and cannelloni was the same except with stuffed crepes (crespelle)… hmmm. The garden looks great. Is it in Brooklyn?
Manicotti or man- a gut where I come from Brooklyn is a crepe and cannelloni is a stuffed pasta and this looks terrible and you actually had look up its water inside a zucchini and squash. Looks like you used garbage mozzarella or mutzadell how ever you want to say it. If you actually you went to culinary school should get your money back. You could have learned more in any Italian grandmothers kitchen in south Brooklyn and saved your self 10's of thousands
Farideh in video means it's going to be awesome, she is the best!
Farideh is so hot! Her kitchen skills are incredible! Didn’t know she had a nice booty til this video in the garden.
I'm not old!
No seasoning no sauce looks off putting, but I love that she put that beautiful churchy funeral homeish 🥗 on top & she’s drunk 🍷
We don't talk about Brunoise.
Whatever you cooking I'm eating
The umbrella ha
Welcome to another addition of "Farideh drinks, cooks and flirts with the Camera 2 guy." 🙂
All roses are flowers, not all flowers are roses
geez shes cute as hell
I always thought manicotti was stuffed pasta tubes, and cannelloni was the same except with stuffed crepes (crespelle)… hmmm. The garden looks great. Is it in Brooklyn?
Farideh and a Jaws reference? Yep, I'm here for that.
Great recipe as usual. I think if it was me I might take those greens and make a pesto sauce to put on once the pasta is done baking.
never knew oxalis were edible
Manicotti or man- a gut where I come from Brooklyn is a crepe and cannelloni is a stuffed pasta and this looks terrible and you actually had look up its water inside a zucchini and squash. Looks like you used garbage mozzarella or mutzadell how ever you want to say it. If you actually you went to culinary school should get your money back. You could have learned more in any Italian grandmothers kitchen in south Brooklyn and saved your self 10's of thousands
Lemon Facts. We love it.
Virginia is hot, yeah I said it!
I love your recipes & I love your wine breaks and singing it’s like being with my best friend in the kitchen
too much corny talking…yawn..
Nor is it a fine dice
That’s not a fuckin bruniose lmao
That trip to the garden was a blast lol farideh makes its so entertaining to cut herbs
Interesting to say the least . ..
her fore head tho
This is Farideh on her A GAME!
"Hi, I'm Farideh." twinkle of starlight in her eyes Hi Farideh, I'm enchanted.
It’s you’re gonna need a bigger boat not we’re gonna need a bigger boat
Love your dishes and attitude so much. You are way better than the other gentlemen that this channel shows. Amazing work!
Nice view count
And also sort of backwards ravioli? Let's just stick with delicious shit in pasta.
How can I marry Farideh?
Farideh you totally remind me of my naughty younger sister.
You don't make us angry…
Just hungry.
Dial it down sugar!!
I feel like she gets a bit baked before the show and hopes no one notices
We need more Brad
give us more Ty Demura pls
me and her have matching hairlines. kinda sick!
Farideh is my spirt animal😂
" let's add some salad, because you know health" 😁
I would definitely Smash her in the kitchen.