28 Commentaires

  1. I'm writing my law school thesis on the implementation of cannabis taxation throughout the states, thanks for posting this video, dude. About Alaska, I've shopped for weed in every state's market and Alaska was by far the most expensive. Their season is extremely short and on top of that, their on-season really doesn't produce that much already. The $50/oz cultivation tax is like insult to injury for these guys. Also, shout-out from Puyallup!

  2. I live in WI and here it's about $50 for an eighth of decent product (assuming I'm not getting ripped off). Problem is they don't know what strains they're selling you, so you try to gauge Indica or Sativa based only on appearance

  3. In Bosnia, where weed is illegal, we pay 10KM (about $5.5) for one gram. I honestly hope they won't legalize it because it'll get more expensive and Bosnia is a poor country on its own

  4. hey josh just wanted to make a small correction on oregon. most cities are allowed in the law to add a 3% tax so in portland i pay 17% tax which goes to the state and 3% that goes to the city. medical patients just dont have to pay that 20% tax. so a $10 gram costs me $12, $1.7 of which goes to the state and $0.30 goes to the city, and a medical patient would just pay $10.

    we used to tax 25% and all went to the state and cities weren't allowed to tax separately.

  5. The fight for legalization isn't over. The next step is getting rid of these ridiculous taxes — and getting the rest of the states legalized. It's gonna be many, many years ahead of us still

  6. Hey I found the coolest bong ever it just got launched on indigogo it's called the Infinium Water Pipe I think the creator is out of the Buckley or Bonney lake area it's turkey a dope and sexy piece you
    Should do a review on it

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