48 Commentaires

  1. I treat it like anything else like a video game or drug or food anything can be a drug when your in the right mental headspace to escape your pain whatever that may be but personally qith family that have had drug problems I have noticed it's not the drug it's how badly they want to escape their reality

  2. I dab almost every night and I have a 3.7 gpa, I take auto for most of my school schedule and am top of my class, and am currently working on getting a job that will translate into a career after highschool soooo… it's all about lifestyle choices, weed has nothing to do with it. If you choose to smoke weed and enjoy it on your own time that's great as long as you keep your priorities straight.

  3. Thats something I never understood. I live in Austria (Europe) and we make Joints with Tobacco and Weed and Blunts are purely Weed, i thought that was normal in every country. But in America Blunts AND Joints are purely Weed. …. pretty interesting

  4. Although I really agree with most of your points on the matter except for the opinion that most marijuana users don't use tobacco in America, through my experiences most of the people I know that use cannabis (ehhhh about %90 I want to say) have used or continue to use tobacco. Don't know why I wanted to rant but just felt like it. Love yah Josh! You're my favorite Weed-tuber so keep er' goin'!

  5. im 15 and a sophmore in highschool and last year i had so much anxiety and depression i couldnt function in school i found canabis and am i happier than ive ever been and still an honors student.

  6. People say cannabis can make you lazy but the fact is cannabis can make you lazy if all you do is smoke and revolve your life around smoking i.e redirecting or canceling plans to smoke or waiting to do school assignments so you can have time to smoke. The bottom line is if you smoke weed only do it when you are able to and don't revolve your life around it. Also weed isn't for everyone. If somebody is already somewhat selfish, self centered or argumentative weed can effect relationships. I smoke and I have witnessed this first hand. Again its not the weed its the person smoking the weed.

  7. im 14 and i usally smoke everyday, i dont plan on stopping because it gives me motivation on writing songs.
    i do believe it can become bad a bit if i keep blazing at this age.
    my only dream is to smoke some good shit, cause all my area only has reggies:(

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