Thank you all for the birthday wishes…..smoke one for me #DopeAsYola #ThankYou #Birthday septembre 7, 2023 admin CBD Reviews 50 Check on YouTube DopeasYola
CBD Reviews Vape Pod Review juillet 14, 2022 admin CBD Reviews 43 These pods were way stronger than i thought they would be….you guys asked me to review em so here it is ….. Thanks for the … Check on YouTube
You a big inspiration bro i been subscribed for years seen u grow so much its very motivating Répondre
It's funny, Marty's and my birthday is August 25th & my buddy's birthday was Sept 6th like yours. Répondre
Happy birthday Thomas been watching for years now you deserve every thing that has come you way Répondre
Happy birthday man hope yk I been a fan for a while now know I love you love your vids I pray for you and many blessings to you stay safe stay blessed Répondre
Restock that grinder please, everytime I see you use it I wanna reach through the tv and grab yours haha. Happy Birthday Thomas and Hi Rosie, I love you both Répondre
Yoo happy bday Yola! Mines on Saturday and I'm going to watch the local 1/4 strip this weekend! Enjoy your trip Répondre
Happy Birthday Thomas Hope that you're having a "Dope Ass Day"!! I'll smoke up with my girlfriend Répondre
Bro happy birthday it’s amazing what you’ve done with everything truly inspiring bro stay on that grind Répondre
Happy birthday to the dopest man alive, nobody does it like you big dawg

Happy Birthday G

Happy birthday bro

Last one to say happy birthday waited so I could tell you the most special one

You a big inspiration bro i been subscribed for years seen u grow so much its very motivating
happy bday man
Have a amazing birthday you deserve the best
It's funny, Marty's and my birthday is August 25th & my buddy's birthday was Sept 6th like yours.
I was in yo live hope you have a good day happy birthday my guy
Happy bdayyyyyyyy

Happy birthday my man!
Happy birthday Thomas been watching for years now you deserve every thing that has come you way
Happy birthday man hope yk I been a fan for a while now know I love you love your vids I pray for you and many blessings to you stay safe stay blessed

happy fuckin bday g
Happy birthday Thomas!! Hope it was a great one!!

Be safe on your bday trip dudey
Happy birthday man keep up the awesome videos and amazing content
Happy birthday YOLA
and say less

Restock that grinder please, everytime I see you use it I wanna reach through the tv and grab yours haha
. Happy Birthday Thomas and Hi Rosie, I love you both 
Happy birthday yola! Come to the finger lakes in NY and get burnt over here!
happy birthday love ya vids
Yoo happy bday Yola! Mines on Saturday and I'm going to watch the local 1/4 strip this weekend! Enjoy your trip
Happy Birthday Thomas
Hope that you're having a "Dope Ass Day"!! I'll smoke up with my girlfriend
Happy Birthday Yola!!!

Happy birthday
Happy birthday yola love u broo my 209 brother all love from Stockton
Much love hbd
love your content
Happy birthday man have a dope ass birthday

Happy birthday man enjoy
Damn right enjoy that trip and time off man relaxing every now and again is good for you
bro no one gives a fu** about ur damn house bro, like just stop flexing no one cares
Bro I just smoked wtf.
Happy late bday btw.
Stay safe bro have an amazing b-day

Happy birthday bro hope you have a best day man
Happy birthday I hope it’s amazing

You’ll get that 200 bands back don’t worry
Happy birthday YOLA God bless have a dope ass day!!!
Bro happy birthday it’s amazing what you’ve done with everything truly inspiring bro stay on that grind
This friday’s is just for you my guy