41 Commentaires

  1. the first guys grow genuinely shows he has no experience whatsoever and has no idea what the fuck hes doing……………………………………………………..how are these idiots running shops

  2. @DrewlsSharing , Watching on 27th October 2020 from 🇬🇧 on a Very wet day🌧☔
    Just wondering If you've done another video yet or Now 4 year later haven't you even got another in making or on way??. Just stumbled across your video in Amsterdam and you done well for the budget you mentioned "wasn't that great".. (Hope to see one in Colorado or Canada) Would be good to show the difference now 4yrs on about the regulations in places like Colorado,etc, compared to Amsterdam.. Stick in there and keep making👍, Hope you don't let the Weed get in the way of your budget 'Or the Law' with living in England.😟..😂😂. 'Be Safe'.😉✌..

  3. ➡️ fast delivery:b•u•y~ weed~coke~dank~carts~hash~pills*👉🏼DM👉🏼wickr[James plug12]👉🏼DM👉🏼Kik[jamesplug12]👉🏼DM👉🏼 telegram[jamesplug12]~quality weed matters*get*high⬅️

  4. Absolutely loved the woman from the coffee shop! She was amazing very articulate, knew what she was talking about and had an amazing way of explaining it. Her and Drew would be a power couple no doubt LOL

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