22 Commentaires

  1. TI pad! I remember when i first started smoking I had a titanium skillet!!! now you can't find them! crazy how it when from skillets, to glass nails with a globe, to quartz bangers and enails all within 10 years. i still have my domeless titanium nail, it is like a piece of history

  2. Goin to take the time and start 4his series from here until I've watched em all again lol. Feeling the old school vibe associate man! Yallsconten5 brings back some great memories burning and watching yell grow man

  3. the sadness of not being able to clear a 0.3 rip is evident. im sure my tolerance levels would have had me over the edge..much respect for all the videos you guys have done over the years and having access to them at anytime is a pleasure to blae to and makes us realise just how ahead you guys are in regards to cannabis content..one ruv form the green island PANDA I OUT

  4. DUDE these videos take me back to such a good time, me and my buddy use to watch these all the time. Shane thanks for the vids over the years man,  your videos make me reminisce and just watching them brings back so many mems, checking for new vids every day. Hope co treating yall well

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